Science dictionary definition, a specialized dictionary covering terms in the life, earth, and physical sciences, such as the online Science Dictionary on Biology, chemistry, and physics are all branches of science. catalyst-A substance that speeds a chemical reaction without itself being permanently changed. DICTIONARY OF IBM & COMPUTING TERMINOLOGY 1 8307D01A. An up-and-coming employee serving in a broadening assignment who supports a senior executive by arranging meetings and schedules, drafting and ABAA See: Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America. This dictionary covers all the major areas of sports science and medicine including: anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, nutrition, sports psychology, sports sociology, sports injuries, and training principles. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena: new advances in science and technology. It is a comprehensive database of the glossary of scientific terms and definitions. PHYSICAL SCIENCE VOCABULARY carbon 14 dating - Age-determining method for carbon-containing objects up to 50,000 years old. b. Science is the field of study concerned with discovering and describing the world around us by observing and experimenting. Science Dictionary. For your convenience the terms are sorted alphabetically. Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry in pdf This is the book of Dictionary of Chemistry in pdf of professors of science faculties universities. A science dictionary includes many technical terms with precise, specialized meanings—terms not normally found in general dictionaries—making it an invaluable resource for students and professionals in scientific fields. I hope you find the glossary useful. The Glossary is in a PDF format which means that there is a search box for a particular term at the top center of the page. Indeed / Getty Images. ence (sī′əns) n. 1. a. Dictionary of Medical Terms 0 7475 6987 8 Dictionary of Military Terms 0 7475 7477 4 Dictionary of Nursing 0 7475 6634 8 Dictionary of Science and Technology 0 7475 6620 8 Easier English™ titles: Easier English Basic Dictionary 0 7475 6644 5 Easier English Basic Synonyms 0 7475 6979 7 Easier English Dictionary: Handy Pocket Edition 0 7475 6625 9 ODLIS: Online Dictionary 2 of 733 31.1.2004 14:55 AAUP See: American Association of University Professors and Association of American University Presses. It is the editors’ hope that the Second Edition of the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Chemistry will serve the needs of scientists, engineers, students, teachers, librarians,andwritersforhigh-qualityinformation,andthatitwillcontribute toscientific literacy and communication. It is a member of the transition metals group. caffeine - Caffeine is a chemical substance naturally found in tea and coffee and added to colas.. calcium - Calcium is the name for the element … Mark … ABA See: American Booksellers Association. (sixth edition) is edited by John Daintith and published by Oxford 2. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena: the science of astronomy. A AA (ay-ay) n. Administrative Assistant. Welcome to the Online Science Dictionary. The Celsius scale is a common temperature scale in chemistry. cathode ray tube (CRT) - Sealed glass vacuum tube that uses electrons and fluorescent material to produce images on a screen. cadmium - Cadmium is the name for the element with atomic number 48 and is represented by the symbol Cd. AB Bookman’s Weekly A trade publication used mainly by antiquarian booksellers to locate rare, out of print,


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