Maybe we had better let him go.” [“A Mother’s Letter Saves Her Son’s Life,” in chapter 22 of Bryant S. Hinckley, The Faith of Our Pioneer Fathers (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1956), 257–59]. So be patient, my son; love those who mistreat you and say all manner of evil against you and the Lord will bless you and magnify you in their eyes and your mission will be gloriously successful. © Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. SECOND SPEECH. On Schleiermacher’s Second Speech, “On the Essence of Religion” Martin Heidegger New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 9:91-97 ( 2009 ) Though people serve for various reasons, some more noble than others, the highest form of service is that which flows from the pure love of Christ. Second, he set forth a view of religion that was in principle free from reliance on authority. He used to be teased and tormented about his looks, but over the years that has died away. One of the most severe rebukes given by the Lord in this dispensation was uttered by the Savior to missionaries who would not fulfill their sacred obligations to bear testimony: But with some I am not well pleased, for they will not open their mouths, but they hide the talent which I have given unto them, because of the fear of man. In time it won for him a teaching post xiion the theological faculty at the University in Halle, and after that university was closed by the Napoleonic occupying forces, his reputation gave him a hand in planning for the new University of Berlin where, after its founding, he was Professor of Theology and Dean of the Faculty until his death in 1834. The Jacksons took David into their home and into their hearts. Truly religious people are never able to claim that they possess the truth as such, and in its entirety. In addition to refraining from evil, true disciples of the Master wear out their lives in the service of others. BYU Speeches He held their view of the human situation as one that can penetrate and understand neither infinite variety nor infinite unity but that strives to bring both together in a way that destroys neither pole and acknowledges the limitations of human finitude. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. In 1999, just under 500,000 days of labor were donated to Church welfare facilities. The Church provided food, clothing, hygiene kits, school kits, and newborn kits valued at nearly one million dollars. The book that this stroke brought to completion is astonishing in at least five respects. In Hermann Patsch, Hans Dierkes, Terrence N. Tice & Wolfgang Virmond (eds. We can and should be grateful for all who serve others, whatever the honorable motivation of the giver may be, but there is a quiet and gentle joy that comes to those who give anonymously, privately, without thought of or interest in public acclaim—or even of public knowledge of their benevolence. [D&C 6:33–34]. Today David looks like a young man who has been in a serious automobile accident, but he is well-adjusted and fully functional. Development advances gently, contest impetuously; for development is self-contented at f There he met David Lopez, a tiny Indian boy just two years old who had virtually no face at all. This is the Christianity he commended to the “cultured despisers” of religion, and he thought his friends were closer to it than they thought. He fit the group. [Mosiah 4:26]. That year, in the United States and Canada alone, the Church operated 108 bishops’ storehouses, 97 canneries, and 79 priesthood-managed production projects. To drink, David simply tilted back his head and poured the liquid straight down. In serving others, they found their own better natures, and, may I venture to say, some, at least, developed a better understanding of Christ and His place in their lives. I salute them for their benevolence! That commandment, to love those who hate us, is one of the most demanding requirements of Christian discipleship. President Spencer W. Kimball pointed out that “the most vital thing we can do is to express our testimonies through service, which will, in turn, produce spiritual growth, greater commitment, and a greater capacity to keep the commandments” (TSWK, 254). Third, he described religion as belonging essentially to the human sphere and thus as essentially limited. Schlegel himself, although he had become “religious” by the time the book was published, had moved in his religiousness to a preoccupation with esoteric matters. 219]. I know it is true, because I have proven it so many times. “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17). But service to others is essential if we are to realize and retain the fullness of Christ’s Atonement in our lives. During the period from 1986 to 1999, the Church provided humanitarian assistance in more than 104 major natural and man-made disasters, including the Rwanda conflict in 1994; the Kobe, Japan, earthquake in 1995; the Bosnia/Croatia/Serbia conflict in 1994 and 1996; U.S. Midwest flooding in 1993 and 1997; crop failure in North Korea in 1996 and 1997; Hurricane Mitch in Central America in 1998; and the Turkey and Taiwan earthquakes in 1999. The organization serves, through volunteers and in-kind donations, some of the most needy youths and their families in six major metropolitan areas across the nation. [“Because I Have Been Given Much,” Hymns, 1985, no. I’ll share thy love again, according to thy word. How grateful I am that since its beginnings the Church has organized to assist its members to provide for themselves and others, ensuring their physical, spiritual, social, and emotional welfare. Sometime, somewhere, they will understand and then they will regret their action and they will honor you for the glorious work you are doing. During the summer of 1878, Elder Frank Croft, a missionary in northern Alabama, was forcibly taken against his will by “armed and vicious men” to be whipped. Third, human life in the world is essentially social, and anyone who comes to a determinate sense and taste for the Infinite in the finite will be impelled to communicate it and to identify with a community or xito form a new one. Without that pure love of Christ which expresses itself in the care of the less fortunate, whatever else we do, or profess to be, is but “as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1). Remember also, my son, that day and night, your mother is praying for you always.’, [The leader of the mob read the whole letter to himself and then said to his companions:] “Men, after reading this Mormon’s mother’s letter, I just can’t go ahead with the job. A few years ago the Wall Street Journal recounted a heartwarming tale of one who magnified his talents in providing compassionate Christlike service to one of God’s children. Schleiermacher made and relished strong friendships, and these people were his best friends. Before discussing them, I mention in passing the importance not only of how we serve but also of why we serve. (See Neal Templin, “Look of Love: As His Face Is Molded, Boy Finds His Surgeon Becoming His Father,” Wall Street Journal, 13 November 1992, A1.). But the willing work of thousands, striving together as friends and neighbors, lightened the load and dried the tears of those who had lost much they held dear. I do not want to suggest in any way that service to others is the only virtue we are to cultivate as disciples of the Master. Second (the basic view developed in the “Second Speech”), religion is neither a knowing nor a doing but something whose occasion or foundation touches a locus in the human being more fundamental than either knowing or doing. But we were very poor, with not a penny of financial reserves, and barely able to scrape by on my graduate stipend of two hundred dollars per month.


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