But Israel after the fall of Samaria is artificially excluded from the Judaean horizon, and lies as a foreign land, although Judah itself had suffered from the intrusion of foreigners in the preceding centuries of war and turmoil, and strangers had settled in her midst, had formed part of the royal guard, or had even served as janissaries (ยง 15, end). It is not uncommon for the emotional turmoil of the experience to cause disturbances in eating or sleeping. If you are just announcing you are gay and coming out of the closet with this truth, it can create some turmoil with family and friends. schadenfreude among scots at the apparent current turmoil among the English over their sense of national identity? Such a conditional and tentative policy, on the part of a second-rate power, in a period of universal tension and turmoil, was most difficult; but Griffenfeldt did not regard it as impossible. The Million Dollar Listing guys on the popular Bravo reality show present an interesting combination of business savvy and dramatics, all while managing to stay afloat despite turmoil in the California real estate market. A story based more on inner turmoil than typical ' boo! When the inexperienced teacher realized she could not handle the turmoil in her classroom, she ran out of the door. tumult of battle had long been replaced by the turmoil of industry. Now, all is unsettled and the lands are in turmoil. Given the current turmoil in the wholesale gas market, you might be tempted to go for a capped product. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The modernization conceives the stability, but modernization process stir up the turmoil. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The answer to his turmoil was clear: his revenge wasn't worth her life. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Since teens have such a different life from adults, they have different ways of expressing their inner turmoil. The mayor was not reelected to his office because of his inability to bring the city out of financial turmoil. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Agency Turmoil Recent attacks on Scottish Screen have focused on the agency's apparent inability to invest in features that are certain box office winners. But when the seer is exalted tg heaven he sees no trace of the turmoil on earth. workaholic husband, Ollie, finds his life thrown into turmoil when his wife dies during child birth. By the 19th century in Acomb, the tumult of battle had long been replaced by the turmoil of industry. He felt her turmoil through their bond and ached to ease her pain. Just the view of my discreet yacht, gently bobbing, Helps soothe the turmoil in my troubled soul. There they discover that the lands are in turmoil due to the evil power of the White Witch who has turned many creatures into stone and has created a permanent icy cold winter. Its shallow social base, however, meant it was very vulnerable in a period of growing social turmoil. The latter part of Flamsteed's life passed in a turmoil of controversy regarding the publication of his results. She went woodenly, her stomach in turmoil. , Janet and her family moved to the country in hopes of avoiding the turmoil of city life. Jule sensed a great deal of turmoil behind his calm features and pitied the man. The political turmoil of Moscow sees both brothers arrested. They passed through much persecution, in consequence of the rising of 1745, but, after the death of their King Charles, they became as loyal as any other religious body, managing their own affairs with no more turmoil than is caused by the coexistence of the Anglican and the Laudian prayer-books, with their different forms of the communion. , During the riots, there was widespread turmoil in the city. Alecsandri is less successful in his dramas, most of which are adaptations from French originals; the only merit of his novels is that amidst the phonetic and philological turmoil he kept to the purer language of the people. Europe is fragmented into petty fiefdoms and is in turmoil after the Viking raids. , For many young adults, the teenage years are ones of turmoil in which they are often confused about who they are. stratified sampling with considerable turmoil in not they make. +Plus help. Amid the turmoil of his activities and distractions, however, Pierre at the end of a year began to feel that the more firmly he tried to rest upon it, the more masonic ground on which he stood gave way under him. But the fact that so many women have longer or shorter cycles often throw fertility and attempts to conceive into turmoil. Stratified sampling with considerable turmoil in not they make. Because of all the turmoil in our lives, I had no training at all for this birth. , When the inexperienced teacher realized she could not handle the turmoil in her classroom, she ran out of the door. turmoil of the ancient world, confidence in God rings out. See More. Crete was constantly in turmoil, the Greeks were dissatisfied, and from about 1890 the Armenians began a violent agitation with a view to obtaining the reforms promised them at Berlin. , As soon as the gun-carrying man entered the restaurant, turmoil broke out as customers screamed and dived for the floor. turmoil in the wholesale gas market, you might be tempted to go for a capped product. a period of political turmoil. These cookies do not store any personal information. Today's print medi He rose and, taking the arm of the attendant, steered the young man out to the slab where Wassermann was unaware of the turmoil he'd created. In his soul there suddenly arose such an unexpected turmoil of youthful thoughts and hopes, contrary to the whole tenor of his life, that unable to explain his condition to himself he lay down and fell asleep at once. Its only natural for you to be down after all the turmoil you've been through over the last few months. The mayor was not reelected to his office because of his inability to bring the city out of financial turmoil. Examples of Turmoil in a sentence. In 1637 Scotland was in a state of turmoil. Darn him, like a graven image there, the only mute, immovable thing in that turmoil!


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