Other family members may consider carrier screening. The number of AR disorders included in available ECS panels varies from 40 to more than 1,000 disorders (Chokoshvili, Borry, & Vears, 2017). In the case of carrier testing of an unaffected child, national regulations require that the laboratory has evidence of pre-test counselling by a genetics professional and written consent. It is important to understand no preconception carrier screen is able to detect every mutation that causes CF, SMA and FXS, nor will it identify carriers of other genetic conditions. Respondents who were offered the video had a better genetic knowledge, perceived MPS III as more severe, perceived their risks higher and were more likely to participate in ECS compared to those who were offered text. Expanded carrier screening in reproductive medicine-points to consider: a joint statement of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, National Society of Genetic Counselors, Perinatal Quality Foundation, and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. This gives the couple time to consider what arises from the test result. First, we show that genetic knowledge and the attitudes toward ECS, as assessed by our questionnaire, had not changed over 2 years' time. We took specific care to only use non‐directive and objective information about ECS in the video as we did not want participants to interpret the video as a recommendation to opt for ECS. d�0ni��? Stephanie Nijmeijer, Frits Wijburg, Phillis Lakeman, Lidewij Henneman, and Lotte Haverman were involved in the conception and design of the work, in analyses and interpretation of the data, and critically revising the manuscript for important intellectual content. Compared to the text group, the video group more often perceived a chance of 1:150 that both partners are carrier of the same disease as (very) high (respectively, 38.5% vs. 46.6%, p=.001) and a chance of 1:600 of having a child with a severe hereditary disorder as (very) high (respectively, 31.4% and 38.1%, p=.005). This result also has potential medical implications for the individual being tested. What’s coming soon. More details can found hereor download a brochure. Recent studies showed that the intended uptake of universal ECS by the general population varies from approximately 30% in the Netherlands and Sweden (Ekstrand Ragnar, Tyden, Kihlbom, & Larsson, 2016; Nijmeijer et al., 2019; Plantinga et al., 2016) to as high as 68% in Western Australia (Ong et al., 2018). Genetic counseling may be indicated for you and your partner. There is usually no family history of the condition and the only way to find out if you are a carrier is to have carrier screening. Couples will then be able to make informed choices about their reproductive plans. Family planning tests allow healthcare providers the ability to offer tests that are specific to conditions that are currently recommended by the following professional medical societies: American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG). Each organization recommends screening the general population or specific ethnic groups for certain conditions, based on carrier frequencies, incidence rates, and other criteria. Preconception expanded carrier screening (ECS) aims to identify couples with an increased risk of having a child with an autosomal recessive (AR) disorder before pregnancy, thereby enabling reproductive choices. Xo�j?�ǻ��L�5h `'�� ���f��K ��W��)ւ'��0�A��B�. The sociodemographic characteristics age, gender, educational level, considering a (future) pregnancy, marital status, and religion were collected. Reproductive carrier screening can also be done in early pregnancy. Fragile X Syndrome has a spectrum of outcomes ranging from learning disabilities to severe mental retardation and autism. The Medical Ethics Committee of the Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands, stated that Medical Research Involving Human Subject Act (WMO) does not apply to this study as it concerns an anonymous questionnaire study and therefore formal ethical approval was not necessary. Genetic knowledge and experiential knowledge both influence the uptake of ECS. A reproductive carrier screen is a blood test of the parents. A critical review of theory and evidence, Audiovisual information affects informed choice and experience of information in antenatal Down syndrome screening–a randomized controlled trial, Preventing lives affected by hemophilia: A mixed methods study of the views of adults with hemophilia and their families toward genetic screening, The role of experiential knowledge within attitudes towards genetic carrier screening: A comparison of people with and without experience of spinal muscular atrophy, Factors affecting decisions to accept or decline cystic fibrosis carrier testing/screening: A theory‐guided systematic review, A systematic analysis of online marketing materials used by providers of expanded carrier screening, Teaching about cystic fibrosis carrier screening by using written and video information.


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