To calibrate a monitor to the film-standard, play a standardized pink noise calibration signal whose amplitude is -20 dB FS RMS, on one channel (loudspeaker) at a time. Whatever SPL meter you use, you'll require one that allows the options of C-weighted and slow response. Fast, Slow and Impulse Time Weightings originate from a time before integrating sound level meters and way before digital sound level meters.. Sound level measurements using any grade of sound level meter can be Fast, Slow, or Impulse time weighted. Under Fast the needle would move fast to show quickly varying noise and under Slow the needle would be damped to smooth the noise out to be easier to … To calibrate the studio monitors follow the six steps below: Turn the volume of your studio monitors all the way down. They are not random, but have exact values as indicated in standards documents. Grab your SPL meter or launch your SPL app and position it in your listening position, where your head would usually be, with the microphone pointing up. 3. Sound Level Meter Application 2. If the app or SPL meter gives you the option, select the C weighting scale and slow response time, as these are the most accurate settings for this type of measurement. The C-weighting filter is often applied when representing peak levels. It would also be a bonus if it had Peak Hold for measuring fast impulses, though that may not be absolutely necessary. meter response time) The meter reading response time is specified, so F and S have a specific meaning. There are no shortage of SPL Meters on Amazon, but the underlying question is, which one do I trust? These weightings date back to the time when sound level meters had analogue meters and defined the speed at which the meter moved. How to Calibrate Monitors. Pink Noise. The Z-Weighting (no weighting and thus no filter) may be applied, for example, where an analysis of the sound source is required rather than the effect the sound has on humans, such as in testing the frequency response of produced loudspeakers in a manufacturing process. Adjust the monitor gain to yield 83 dB SPL using a meter with C-weighted, slow response. An audio clip of pink noise to play through your monitors. I would like A and C weight, Fast and Slow response, and ideally, though not likely, 30hz to 10khz response. Measurements made using the C-weighting are usually shown with dB(C) to show that the information is C-weighted or, for example, LCeq, LCPeak, LCE etc. I'm not sure. This is a flat frequency response between 10Hz and 20kHz ±1.5dB excluding microphone response. When sound level meters were first developed, they used analogue meters with needles that moved back and forth to give the user a reading. My meter is identical in spec to this and I've also rigged it with a similar disc to go over the cans - I'm now getting better readings, with the discrepancy between slow/fast response due to previously not giving the slow setting enough time to average out the measurements. C-Weighted - dBC (SPL is implied but should be added) Z-weighted - dB (SPL must be specified) F - Fast, S - Slow (time weighting, i.e. ‘Z’ Frequency Weighting.


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