The minister expresseshimself as delighted with his trip andimpressed with the city. Explore Tombstone Daily Epitaph Newspaper Archives To Discover Your Ancestors' Lives. Mr.Blinn wants the office fio little that he willnot put forth any personal exertions to attain it.-..I. Ho is about fifty-fouryears of "ago. M. C. No. Mining company, was thoughtto ho under control at a lata hourlast night, but fire crews were stillworking hard to extinguish the blazecompletely. White testified as tohearing threats from Mexicans andat one time a picket had told a mi:inamed Ben Dixon who was wearing-a small American flag in his coat tape tat. Ho threatenedto rip her whole character if she attempted to testify against him, anddeclared repeatedly that it was aninfamous shamo on the part of Corkhill to drag her into the case. The negroez,however, were not found and theletter from the Kansas officer Is thafirst clce to the murder.CHANDLER Deposits for openingday ot First National Bank faOfiOO.PAGE THREEHONEST DOG FINDSLOST POCKETBOOKON STREET IN MESAPHOENIX, March 30. Stephens, of California, andGovernor Thomas E. Campbell, ofArizona, and possible Governor SamBamberger, of Utah, will be amonthe prominent men of the west whowill extend greetings to the princeof Wales when ho arrives hero nextWednesday from Liverpool, on thoBritish battle cruiser r. hill isRe-elected schooltrustee at globeGLOBE. C. Parsons and HamiltonDisston, patent No. Deafness thst cannotb cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Digging taters is another ofour fall amusements. 16. he said that therewas no need for that, because theunions had food to give the families:sd when thai was gone there wasplenty more In the Copper Queenwarehouses. Legal | Mines was the next witness for the defense, who also corroberated the other witnesses as tothe attack of the strikers and saidhe had decided that conditions 'yereabout as bad as he every saw andbe had been In some pretty bad deals. Hill of Colorado is chairman of mines and mining, and a member of four othercommittees, namely, public lands,postoffices and post roads, civil service, and Nicaragua claims.the Rio Grande at Loredo, and tholast spike was driven at 12 o'clockto-day.Kallroad Trannter.Dallas, Tox., Dec. 16. Grafton St. L. Abbott, residentdirector and manager of the Empire mine,arrived al his post of duty 'yesterday morn-ine.William Hkiikino, Esq., from BUbec isin the city. Wyatt Earp stood up and fired in rapid succession, as cool as a cucumber, and was not hit. White.asked why he didn't lick the man,said Dixon had coated him not tostart anything.Following Dixon. Find local news articles that tell the story of your ancestor's lives as they lived it and watch your family history unfold as never before. Marshal Earp says that he and his party met the Clantons and the McLowrys in the alleyway by the McDonald place; he called to them to throw up their hands, that he had come to disarm them. One of themen be said got upon the platformthere and said: "To hell with Hunt,we are handling; this job here." Robert Isleydrove a powerful motor car into thecity street sweeper at the Intersection of Third avenue and Washingtonstreet about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. This was done fortLe purpose or showing by the statethat the witness had not said at theEmbree trial, that Bustamente was anI. The locationof this mine la recorded In the Recorder's Office ofCochise county. Corral, about fifty yards behind the sheriff. W. W.Joe Mata was the next witnessand he testified to alleged insults.Indignities and threats made uponhim while he was foreman over agang of Mexirans at work during thestrike. Earp to fill the vacancy the town has been noted for its quietness and good order. I arlev is assignedto tin eo important committees, thoseof commerce, naval affairs, and postoffices and post loads. I've seen it tried." He said that on July 3rdwhi'e going to work a group of strikers headed b Bustamente had accosted Mm asking him if he was goingto work and he had replied that hehid to in order to feed his family.They told him. The'NugRethasso far identified itselfwith the rustlers that it is generally knownas the cow-boy organ, and with Its supportMr. April 1. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1963 or use the U.S. 16. In other particulars his statement does not materially differ from the statement above given. This ends Mr. Coleman's story which in the most essential particulars has been confirmed by others. HarrisBrewster of Pennsylvania attorneygeneral of tho United States; Nathaniel M. Adams, pension agent atSt. ..:!. It isunderstood that she was otteredBeale, but repudiated him and pressed Sargeant. Doc Holliday was as calm as though at target practice and fired rapidly. All these littlepleasuntiies of the cow-boys may be exceedingly funny-graphs, may be exceeding,ly witty, but they will .never send HugoRichards to congress nor reelect the present sheriu".The constant lepctilion of outrages bythis gang of desperadoes known as cowboys is driving capital, capitalists and enterprise out of the country, and for a journal published in our midst to treat theseoutrages with lerity n an Insult to ths en.tire community. His relations with capitalists are intimate and confldential, Jjttl)i8li opportunities fordisposing PpPproperties, whetherpiospccls orlaevcjopcd mines, are unsurpassed. L. 8riLa, Attorney lor claimants, TUCfon,A.T.It Is hereby ordered that the foregoing notice ofapplication for patent he published for the periodol sixty days ten consecutive weeks in the ft eeklyTombstone Epitaph, a newspaper published atTombstone, Cochise county, Arizona territory,hereby designated by me aa published nearestsuch claim HKNRY COUSINS, Register.Aotlce to Creditors.ESTATE OF M. VcUAMMTKR.DECEASKII.Notice Is hereby given by the underaigned,admlntslratoi of the eatalt of M. McCallster. Stilwell, judge, presiding. Doc Holliday was hit upon the scabbard of his pistol, the leather breaking the force of the ball so that no material damage was done other than to make him limp a little in his walk.


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