It seeks beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillars, moths, and some spiders. The vesper sparrow is an early spring migrant with males arriving in New York in late March and females arriving within a week of the males. Although its most characteristic feature is a small chestnut patch on the shoulder, it's often hidden from view. Site developed and hosted by Rogue ( Log Out /  It is woven out of grasses and lined with fine grasses, feathers, and hair. This little brown job (LBJ) might be a bit easier to see than its other LBJ friends. This species is unique in that it requires patches of bare ground within its breeding territory, making severely disturbed habitats such as reclaimed mines, overgrazed pasture, and row crops potentially suitable. Length: 6.25”” Wingspan: 10” Weight: 0.91 oz (26 g) AOU Alpha Code: VESP. I love to photograph these often overlooked little birds. Vesper refers to the evening when this bird can be heard singing. It is grayish-brown above and whitish below with dark blackish-brown streaking. Includes photos, illustration with field marks, and range map. It can be distinguished from the song sparrow by larger size, shorter tail, and paler coloration. They have rings of pale plumage around their eyes. This species breeding range extends north to south from Alberta, Canada to Central Arizona and east to west from Nova Scotia to Oregon. Sparrow is from the Anglo-Saxon, spearwa, meaning to flutter (Holloway). The Vesper Sparrow nests on the ground in a slight depression near a grass clump, weed, or shrub (Kaufman). References available upon request from I’m fairly confident that the individual I’m featuring here is a Vesper and not a Savannah. Characteristically, the Vesper Sparrow will fly away when disturbed. Large, drab, streaky sparrow of grasslands, second growth, and bare ground. Change ). The Vesper Sparrow is the only species in the genus Pooecetes, from the Greek for grass dwelling; poe, grass, and oiketes, dweller. These marks include pale lores, a pale eye-line, a pale mustache, and (especially) pale cheeks….whereas, the facial pattern of other sparrows is defined by dark markings on a pale surface, this one is more readily distinguished by a pale rendering on a bland surface. They are grayish brown above and buffy below with brown streaks. Left to right: Savannah Sparrow and Oregon Vesper Sparrow © Karl Schneck, Song Sparrow © Jim Livaudais. It is grayish-brown above and whitish below with dark blackish-brown streaking. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If the nest is threatened, the female will fly away as if to distract the intruder and lure it away from the nest. A lot of sparrow species are only subtly different in appearance from other sparrow species. Also, surprisingly evident is a narrow white eye-ring” (Dunne, p. 599). This time of year I encounter these sparrows as often or more often than I encounter any other sparrow species. There are five species of sparrows that include Savannah, Vesper, Fox, Song, and Lincoln's that look similar, at least superficially. They are grayish brown above and buffy below with brown streaks. Tagged: bird of the month, vesper sparrow. The Vesper Sparrow's melodic song, a combination of clear whistles and trills, can often be heard at twilight — roughly the same time as vespers, thus earning the bird its name. The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Young hatch almost featherless and are tended to by both the male and female parents. Pairs commonly raise 2 broods per season. Evaluations of the effectiveness grazing regimens and reclaimed mines have yielded conflicting results. The oldest recorded Vesper Sparrow was a male, and at least 7 years, 1 month old when he was recaptured and rereleased during banding operations in Colorado. Vesper Sparrows are somewhat similar to both the Song and Savannah Sparrows, but are lighter than both. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We respect your privacy. Vesper Sparrows also lack the bold eyeline found in the Savannah Sparrow. Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus). Similar species include the Song Sparrow and Savannah Sparrow, but both of these species lack white outer tail feathers and the white eye-ring. They are grayish brown above and buffy below with brown streaks. The upperparts are pale gray-brown and marked with black streaking. and J.E. Pooecetes gramineus A rather chunky sparrow of the open fields, known at all seasons by its streaked appearance and its white outer tail feathers. Populations peaked in the late 19th and early 20th century as a result of forest clearing. As settlers to North America cut down forests for farmland in the 19th Century, the Vesper Sparrow was abundant in the east. They love to congregate in flocks, sometimes fairly large flocks, along roadsides and ditches, foraging in weeds and brushy vegetation. A remnant population continues in the remaining area of the South Sound Prairies, following decades of suitable habitat being destroyed by development, invasion of scotch broom, and expansion of forests resulting from fire control (Wahl, Tweit, & Mlodinow). These little brown jobs are more common in the western part of their range, but birders who know which field marks to note and what to listen for can easily add these sparrows to their life lists. A yellow eyebrow or spot of feathers around the eye is a great field identification clue. This species is not currently identified as a species of specific conservation need by Partners in Flight, but is listed as Threatened or Endangered in several eastern states including Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey. Individual sparrow species are becoming increasingly more difficult to identify as as I continue to post their images. Indeed, this bird gives me fits at times, because it very closely resembles another common sparrow species, the Savannah Sparrow. Most distinctive in flight, when it flashes white outer tail feathers. The Vesper Sparrow is the only member of its taxonomic genus—. ( Log Out /  The fact that these two lookalike species share habitat and foraging behavior makes definitive identification all the more difficult. Vesper Sparrows are seasonal (fall/winter) migrants in southern Arizona. The Vesper Sparrow is a large, pale, dishwater gray-brown, ground-loving, streaky sparrow. Additionally, it has a larger, stockier build than the savannah sparrow, while possessing a grayish-brown crown lacking a median stripe. Clutches contain 3 to 5 eggs with the female incubating for approximately 13 days, although males may occasionally assist. This behavior offers an advantage for the birder who can then see the white outer tail feathers as the bird flies away. Although its most characteristic feature is a small chestnut patch on the shoulder, it's often hidden from view. Your information will not be shared with any third party. Vesper Sparrows are the only nesting sparrows of the open, low valleys of Washington that display white outer tail feathers in … The distribution of Vesper Sparrow has responded to the availability of grassland, which has varied over the past two centuries both in the State of Washington and across the continent of North American. “The uniformity of the [cryptic] pattern, however, makes the pale markings about the face really stand out. As its name suggests, it frequently sings in the twilight of vespers—a sweet series of musical slurs and trills. They have a narrow white eye-ring, white outer tail feathers, and a rufous shoulder patch. One of its most distinguishing features is a pale wedge shaped area extending from the malar (cheek area) to the rear of the ear coverts (feathers that cover ear openings). Eastside Audubon   |   Email:   |   Phone: 425-576-8805, President’s Letter: Navigating a Changed World. They have experienced significant declines as forest regeneration and farmland abandonment progress in the northeast. It continues to decline throughout much of its range. Vesper Sparrow Identification Vesper Sparrows are a medium-large sparrow approximately 15 cm long. It also has a narrow, white eye-ring and a longer tail than similar sparrows. Species Account Number 624. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account.


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