The Key… was a major contribution to the craft because it proposed a simple and very understandable format for sheet metal defect analysis and repair. A final characteristic of auto body sheet metal that should be considered is its basic gauge or thickness. There are two books that I think really do provide useful insights into how to deal with various aspects of steel sheet metal repair. When used improperly, these tools stop being neat tricks and become devices of destruction. The load-bearing studs used in LGS houses are much stronger, anywhere from 20-gauge to 12-gauge … In large part, your actions should unlock what are usually large areas of indirect damage. Otherwise, they have to be shrunk accurately when they have been stretched. What size gauge if it will hold cement board and then tile? Standard steel studs available at home centers use 25-gauge steel… Take, for example, panel flanging tools. The most important of these is stretching. Reverse crown areas are sometimes found between fenders and trunks, among other places. It involves the fact that as sheet steel is deformed (by die stamping, accidental impact or a repairman’s hammer), its crystalline structure changes with the effect that it becomes harder and thus more resistant to further change. It is also possible to hammer it flat on a vise or anvil. These three categories, and their almost infinite combinations, cover the field. I tend to side with the latter approach but hasten to add that, if you can determine the order of deformation of a particular damaged area, removing the constituents of the damage in the reverse order of their creation is always a good approach. Heating followed by water quenching (rapid cooling) is the most common solution to selectively re-hardening metal in ways that maintain some of the original hardness of the die-stamped panel. That’s the best of them. It has been further hardened by road vibration, which is particularly prevalent in configurations like pontoon fenders. An example of a small panel fabrication and of section welding are shown and described in the photos and captions that accompany the text of the next chapter. Following the stamping process, trimming operations and (sometimes) flanging operations occur. This may seem brutal, but all kinds of corrosion can be lurking under seemingly sound paint. The die-stamping process is a wonderful thing to behold in an automobile stamping plant. These include elasticity, hardness, ductility, plasticity, yield strength, toughness and so forth. Sheet steel uses several alloying components to achieve desirable characteristics. Scrap panels are cheap, but the repair of the damage you can do to a treasured car will be expensive. ProSTUD 25 3-5/8 in. If you’re going to run baseboard, you can glue it directly to the drywall. Also use them for interior partitions to provide more rigidity or greater heights than can be attained with standard 25-gauge studs. In the stamping operation, huge dies (108 inches long dies are pretty standard for large panels) that weigh many tons are forced together under enormous pressure with sheet metal between them. V-channels are depressed areas formed into lines, the opposite of ridges. Glenda Taylor is a contractor and a full-time writer specializing in construction writing. The elaborate, much ballyhooed and highly advertised anti-corrosion treatments being applied to them are, in fact, necessitated by the thinness of the material from which cars are fabricated. Scrap panels also provide a wonderful inventory of formed metal sections for repair purposes. In any case, The Key… is a good place to start the study of sheet metal work. Remember, a dolly block and hammer used the wrong way can be as destructive as the events that caused the damage that you are trying to repair. It is also readily available from a number of old car hobby booksellers and from suppliers of autobody tools and supplies. Part of that plan should be based on the known sheet metal theory that is described in this book and in the books mentioned at the beginning of this chapter. Keep these characteristics of sheet metal in mind when you go to straighten out a ridge, V-channel or buckle in a mild steel panel. Find steel studs sizes and metal studs sizes information on our website. Much of the bodywork that a restorer is likely to encounter involves minor crash damage—dents, scores and the like. This is not to argue against some of the sophisticated equipment and techniques out there, but just to state that knowledge and experience are always the starting points in this work, and that much of what passes for sophistication in the modern repair sector has very little application to old car restoration. After installing the floor and ceiling tracks, each metal stud is measured, and the length is cut to fit. Indirect damage describes areas that are deformed and locked in by the results of the direct damage, but which were not actually directly impacted. limitations 1. Impact and corrosion damage are sometimes so severe that it is necessary to find replacement panels or to fabricate and section new metal into damaged areas. The third edition also included all sorts of helpful hints regarding welding and other skills. When confronted with rust or torn metal, sectioning and butt-welding are usually beyond their limited skill levels, so out come the flanging tools, brazing rods, and pop rivet tools. I will use a sill sealer under the metal … I realize that you will see so-called “professionals” doing this stuff and, in fact, I see several examples of these and other barbaric “techniques” on display at automotive trade shows every year. Metal studs attach to upper and lower tracks with metal screws or by crimping the studs and the tracks together with a special crimping tool. This defect must be corrected for the metal to assume its correct original contours. The metal is placed in the pliers and bent by hand as close to the pliers’ jaws as possible. This is because the metal in the original bend was work hardened and provided more resistance to bending than the unbent metal on either side of it. These needs dictate the specific constitution of the steel used in automobiles. When these types and their minions add acetylene torches, plasma arc cutters and pop rivet guns to their basic repertoire of chipped hammers and hardened-screw-tipped slide hammers, they become a definite menace to the welfare of sheet metal everywhere. Automotive sheet metal once ran in the range of 18-gauge, which was 48 thousandths of an inch thick (actually 0.0478 inch). This sure isn’t bedtime reading if you want to sleep at night, but if you take the time to read it and understand it, you will gain a good grasp on the theory and the practice of this work. Low crown panels can be very hard to work with because, if they are large, any stretching will make them buckle when they are returned to their correct shapes, unless the stretched extra lateral dimensions of the panels can be chased to their edges or hidden in high crown areas somewhere else. I recommend it highly for those dedicated to learning how to perform this craft. One thing that you will get from reading these books, or the rest of this chapter, is the concept that sheet metal repair involves more than just beating or pushing out a dent. Sometimes you can work around work hardening by adopting a repair strategy that forces things back into place in spite of it. In addition to practicing your technique on scrap panels during your early learning, you can often try new or alternative strategies out on them.


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