God communicates with humankind as individuals. Once the Holy Prophet(sa) was asked the question: ‘How does Wahee come to you?’ He replied ‘The sound of a bell ringing continuously is heard; sometimes comes a man who delivers the message – the Word of God. Read about our approach to external linking. until his heart was about to burst.  He was unable to prohibit this.  All he Rabbinic Judaism, which probably originated during the Babylonian Exile and became organized after the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 ce, concerned itself primarily with the solution of legal and ethical problems. The author of ‘Rooh-al-Ma’ani’ has said that the Promised Messiah would be honoured with revelation. In what manner does God Almighty converse with His servants? The Apostle Paul, though not personally a witness to the public life of Jesus, is ranked with the Apostles by reason of his special vision of the risen Christ and of his special call to carry the Gospel to the Gentiles. in the Quran.  God says: “It is not for a human being that God should speak to him ordered him to sacrifice something else instead. What is necessary for this blessing is a heart full of love and zeal for the Omnipotent God. changing font size, and more. The story of Abraham when he was commanded to sacrifice (Chapter 2, Verse 187). Nature is perfect, so therefore Allah must be its creator. The current Bible has an unclear chain of transmission and no proven authorship. They insist that the so-called revelation is no more than an inspiration of the mind. All other books are now devoid of this great distinction. Ramanuja, bronze sculpture, 12th century; from a Vishnu temple in Tanjore district, India. In his letters, Paul emphasized the indispensability of missionary preaching in order that God’s revelation in Christ be communicated to all the nations of the world (Romans 10:11–21). This means that by following him faithfully one could even reach the most high status of being a prophet. If my claim be without any rhyme or reason, I would then be a pretender. to them In another place, the Promised Messiah(as) states: ‘This divine converse with me is quite true. The Holy Quran gives the answer to this question. The relation between man and his Creator was established firmly through revelation only. In mystical religion (e.g., Islamic Sufism and Vajrayana [Tantric] Buddhism) revelation is viewed as an ineffable experience of the transcendent or the divine. Thou didst not know what the Book was, nor what was the faith. A major form of Hindu thought, Vedanta, includes two main tendencies: the monistic Advaita (Sanskrit: “Nondualism”) and the theistic Vishishtadvaita (“Qualified Nondualism”), which emphasizes bhakti, or devotion. There is no doubt about the fact that a very great number of saints had been blessed with revelation. Torah his son demonstrates how a dream can be revelation that must be acted upon.  God (Tafseer-e-Kabeer, Chapter Al-Zilzal, p 448). I respond to the call of the supplicant when he calls on me. The Quran itself answers this question: “We sent you the Scripture [the Quran] in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety. Hazrat Musleh Mau’ood (Promised Son) has in his commentary of the chapter Al-Zilzal of the Holy Quran mentioned twenty three types, but basically these are the off-shoots of the above mentioned three types. In the “prophetic” religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Zoroastrianism), revelation is conceived as a message communicated by God to an accredited spokesman, who is charged to herald the content of that message to an entire people. Insisting as it does on the absolute sovereignty of God, on human passivity in relation to the divine, and on the infinite distance between creator and creature, Islam has sometimes been inhospitable to philosophical speculation and mystical experience. Even the most bitter enemies of Islam have been forced to admit that the Quran we have now is, word by word and in its entirety, identical to the Quran handed over by the Holy Prophet(sa) to his followers.


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