It ranks up there with the Iliad, The Odyssey, the Mahabharata, any, of the great national texts of our major world cultures. The Popol Vuh is a cultural narrative of the Quiché people that blends folklore, mythology, and historical accounts. Museo Popol Vuh is a museum of history and archaeology in Guatemala City, particularly concentrating on the Pre-Columbian era in Guatemala. The Popol Vuh is the single most important remnant of pre-Colombian Maya mythology, that we have. The Popol Vuh (variously translated as ‘The Council Book’, ‘The Book of the People’ or literally as ‘The Book of the Mat’) is the corpus of mythological and historical narratives, including the creation story according to the Quiché-Maya people. It has an extensive collection of art from this era, especially Maya art such as sculptures. Popol Vuh, the Quiché Mayan book of creation, is not only the most important text in the native languages of the Americas, it is also an extraordinary document of the human imagination. It begins with the deeds of Mayan gods in the darkness of a primeval sea and ends with the radiant splendor of the Mayan lords who founded the Quiché kingdom in the Guatemalan highlands. The contents of the Popol Vuh have been relayed through oral tradition for many years, and its written form has suffered many losses following Spanish colonization of Latin America. Giron: The Popol Vuh; it’s, it’s a tale of the … “Popol” is also defined as “woven mat,” and “Vuh” (Vuj) as “book.” Una traducción al español de esta guía de investigación está disponible aquí. The Popul Vuh, which has been translated as Book of the Council, Book of the Community, Book of the People, and The Sacred Book, is the creation account of the Quiché Mayan people. What is the Popol Vuh? Overview.


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