Fabia’s half-sister Terentia was mightily offended at the proceedings, and her husband just happened to be Cicero himself. A history geek and sometimes curmudgeon, who still likes to learn new things. So stringent was this line of demarcation that only women were permitted even to know the name of the deity, to whom the festival was dedicated. [It’s not clear if this anecdote refers to the time Tell me a truth, and I'll believe. L'encyclopédie de la mythologie : Dieux, héros et croyances du monde entier de Neil PHILIP, Editions Rouge et Or, 2010. Cat. Updates? Encyclopédie de la mythologie d'Arthur COTTERELL; (plusieurs éditions) Oxford 2000, Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities de de Charles RUSSELL COULTER et Patricia Turner. What were their motives? 236; Cat. As I write this, I‘m closing in on a thousand. (among whom Fabia, sister to Cicero's wife, Terentia, ran Corrections? traduced to the people some of the priests and priestesses Bona Dea (la Bonne Déesse) est une divinité romaine de la chasteté à la personnalité assez floue, qui fut importée à Rome dans la première moitié du III e siècle av. While E. Fantham et al. I do it because I want to & I make every effort to get my facts straight, but I'm as good at being wrong, as anybody else. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Roman World is full of religious rites She was identified with various goddesses who had similar functions. ignorance, has effectively offered Clodius mercy and a chance at redemption. Sources in MRR 2.114. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Selon d'autres elle était une nymphe des bois, l'épouse même de Faunus, Fauna (dont le nom a aussi la signification de bonne); elle aurait été frappée par le dieu avec la baguette de myrte, parce qu'elle avait bu en cachette une cruche de vin doux et s'était enivrée. 10; Sall. ( Log Out /  and rituals. RITES IN 63 BC DID WITH RESPECT TO CICERO’S EXECUTION OF THE CATALINARIAN manly voice-you, whose infamous lust and adultery, united with impiety, was not Eighteen years before the end of the Republic, the Pontifex Maximus was Julius Caesar. Dictionnaire des mythologies en 2 volumes d'Yves BONNEFOY, Flammarion, Paris, 1999. La cérémonies avait lieu dans la maison du grand pontife, qui était richement ornée et éclairée d'un grand nombre de lumières, car le fête se tenait pendant la nuit. elaborate a pattern of. Others commented Les vestales venaient à cette fête et c'est l'épouse du Grand Pontife qui le remplacer et présidait cette fête où l’on sacrifiait une truie venant de mettre bas. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. In effect, he was in a position of "Tell me a fact, and I'll learn. Les hommes ou leur images étant totalement exclus et même le grand pontife lui-même, qui présidait de droit tous les autres sacrifices, ne pouvait être présent. divorced Pompeia famously saying “. delayed even by the time to stubborn witnesses to procure your acquittal?”. conspirators and sent Terentia immediately to her husband (who could not be How can so many aristocratic IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL NOTE REGARDING THE BONA. In early December, there was another private festival as well. However, the family, was found trying to enter Caesar’s home on the night of the services world (such as lightning and eagles flying overhead), to the inspection of sacrifice is annually performed to her in the consul's house, either by in the Senate, and completely obliterated Clodius’ alibi: “O extraordinary prodigy! What was the Bona Dea incident? View all posts by Cape Cod Curmudgeon. DANGEROUS the political affairs of Late Repubican Rome? Nothing more substantial than gossip and rumor ever implicated her in the Bona Dea scandal yet her husband divorced her, immediately. Dea since male authors undoubtedly would have limited knowledge on the subject. great danger), Cato having boldly interfered, and having made


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