1300 - The flute appears in non-germanic countries such as France, Spain, and Flanders. During this period, Italian and Netherlands flute makers experimented with the size of the flute's bore, added an E flat tone hole and divided the flute into sections that made storage and travel easier. The term "flute" was originally applied both to pipe instruments held sideways and pipe instruments held vertically. Berlin, Staatliche Musikinstrumentensammlung. This last gap was closed by a plausible explanation. Advanced Professional Level String Basses, Most Popular Electric Stringed Instruments, Woodwind Maintenance and Cleaning Supplies, Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber Woodwind Cases, Brass Instrument Brushes and Cleaning Tools, Brass Instrument Maintenance and Cleaning Supplies, Instrument Stands, Stabilizers & Transport. Like Hotteterre, he also designed instruments and one of his main inventions was the addition of a second key, not as one might think for expanding the range, but rather for enabling nuances of temperament in allowing a D# as well as an Eb above the bottom note. in spite of all technical enhancements the pitch was still bad. Due to the length of the flute, the holes could not directly be closed by the fingers. in the early 18th century. The most used material was boxwood, which expanden due to the moisture of the breath. Famous classical flute players include James Galway, Jeanne Baxtresser, Shri Hariprasad Chaurasia, Taffanel, Gaubert, Marcel Moyse, Michel Debost, Joseph Mariano, Mimi Stillman, Alexa Still and Marian Gedigian. Hotteterre, played One invention of Quantz, the tuning cork, has been preserved until today as well as the Chapter 4 of Ardal Powell's The Indeed, up until around the middle of the eighteenth century (the era of Baroque music), the word "flute… In addition, it has an extra left-hand joint that is played in B, about a minor third lower than 415 Hz. It also called for the player to add more individual character to each part. Thus they mostly were soon forgotten. Some 18th-century flutes survive with what are called _corps de rechange_ _ alternative fingerhole joints to enable transposition or the use of different pitch standards. This standard pitch is now the worldwide standard and the flute has adapted as well. This change is to be clearly seen in the fingerings shown in flute methods of this time. Baroque Flutes. They include a three-piece flute that is now in the Landesmuseum Graz, Austria. Composers like Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, Telemann and Blavet wrote extensively for the solo flute and professional players such as J.J. Quantz began to find success traveling from area to area performing concerts on the baroque flute. So my model comes with middle joints playing at pitches A=415, A=405 or A=392 Hz. This flute had a metal tube with numerous keys attached. As the finger holes of the flute were positioned in a way which allows the finger (Nuremberg, early 18th century) by I Denner (d. 1735); (Mons, Belgium, late 18th century) by Nicolas Marcel Raingo (1746-1823); (Paris, late 18th century) by L. Lot (ca.1740-85). Only a small number of the many woodwinds made by the. The start of the 18th century was a heyday for the flute (called "grand siècle"). described a similiar tool in his book Versuch einer Anweisung, the sliding head joint. The instrument in Brussels, however, has a single middle joint and plays at pitch A=400 Hz whereas the traverso in Pistoia has two upper middle joints and is pitched at A=393 and A=417 Hz. In the latter half of the seventeenth century, flutes with a conical body and a single key attached began to appear. Today's flute is based on Boehm's innovations, with modifications that vary somewhat depending on the instrument maker. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Flute player. These 18th-century instruments were typically made in four sections rather than three, with the middle fingerhole section being divided in two. After the initial flurry of interest in France, German makers began to produce instruments as well and the flute became so popular there that in England it was known as the German flute as opposed to the flute or common flute (recorder). Early flutes did not feature keys. 3. https://artscimedia.case.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/146/2015/04/14233314/FluteFrench.mp3, https://artscimedia.case.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/146/2015/04/14233313/Tele_Fantasia.mp3. From todays naming conventions it should be called alto flute. The tuning of the original flute, with its long middle joint, is questionable. One major change of note made since that time is a rescaling of the flute to A=440Hz during the 1960s by an English flute maker named Albert Cooper. Indeed, up until around the middle of the eighteenth century (the era of Baroque music), the word "flute" was commonly used to describe the recorder. During the Renaissance, it became fashionable for amateur flute players to practice and play together with what was known as "consort music" in cultured homes. It plays at pitch A=430 Hz and I supply an extra A=440 Hz middle joint. The resulting mechanic was flakey and shakey. Glossa GCD 920801 (1996). John (Jean-Baptiste) Loeillet and One member of the Hotteterre family (le Romain) wrote a popular treatise on flute playing and in the mid-18th century, Johann Joachim Quantz, a German virtuoso flute player, wrote an extensive treatise on the instrument. Joannes Hyacinthus Rottenburgh (the elder) lived and worked in Brussels and 16 or 17 of his transverse flutes still exist. Flute (Yale University Press, 2002) contains in tune. Every country had its own style of keyed flute and hosted visiting artists from other countries to show off their repertoire, instrument and skill. Thus the sound of the flute was not so good. Now often called the traverso (from the Italian), it was made in three or four sections, or joints, with a conical bore from the head joint down. The main disadvantage of the flutes of this time was, that the distance of the finger holes were determined before. The term "flute" was originally applied both to pipe instruments held sideways and pipe instruments held vertically. Examples for those enhancements are the register developed by elsewhere. [Experiment] replacing the cork in the head joint with a different material, Choosing on the basis of the quality of the material. To adjust the instrument to the locally differing tuning, each flute featured at prestigious concerts in Paris and elsewhere, But if you reduce the diameter of the inner Theobald Boehm of Bavaria began to attract attention with a key design that used a system of complex interlocked rods to allow accurate, fast fingering in a more natural hand position. Since wooden flutes always play at a slightly lower pitch than an ivory equivalent, the traverso I offer here plays perfectly well at pitch A=415 Hz. Boehm's instrument was a dramatic improvement, however, and overcame these shortcomings. musicians, and the flute became a popular amateur instrument In the end of all the enhancements and additions Includes information about players, makers, composers, and instruments, from the 10th century to the present day. The baroque flute (traverso, traversière) in D emerged toward the end of the 17th century, apparently the invention of the Hotteterre family of woodwind players/makers in Paris. Probably he listened to a The Dilettanti (detail, 1736) by Cornelius Troost (1697-1750). Only a small number of the many woodwinds made by the Hotteterre family survive. bore hole, the relation between diameter and length of the tube is constant and the sound is better. Responsible for this height were musicians like the above mentioned Hotteterre, so that famous players began to travel to other cities Although most of flutes made around 1800 were made with four, six or more keys, Tuerlinckx’s flutes had just one key. Additional keys and finger holes where invented. But even after this, his works were always written for recorder or flute. The modern flute as we know it was invented by Theobald Boehm in 1847. Unlike Renaissance traversos, making a Baroque flute that plays at a higher or lower pitch than the original by extension or reduction is difficult, due mainly to its conical bore (unless only a minor few hertz are involved). The original instrument plays at A=395 Hz. Theobald Boehm, the German wind instrument manufacturer, demonstrated a revolutionary new type of flute at the Paris Exhibition of 1847. The dimensions were based only on the experience of the flute maker and in


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