How long will the footprints on the moon last? Not affiliated with Harvard College. A slave stole a cup from a fire-breathing dragon's treasure trove. Why does the dragon attack the Geats? Relevance. Answer. 5 6 7. A slave stole a cup from a fire-breathing dragon's treasure trove. In the fiftieth year of his reign, another monster has the Geats under attack. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. The dragon also mortally wounds beowulf. Is it ok to eat a frozen turkey with black spots on it? a thief stole a golden goblet from the burial mound, in which the dragon was sleeping. Asked by Wiki User. Why does the dragon attack the Geats? All Rights Reserved. How long was Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister? Is there a way to search all eBay sites for different countries at once? In the fiftieth year of his reign, another monster has the Geats under attack. 3 Answers. Why does he attack the Geats? If he was waiting for him awake Grendel would be prepared to fight him. Eventually the dragon found the treasure, and he has guarded it for three hundred years. He slept in peace until the slave stole the cup as a plea for mercy from his lord. A thief stole a golden goblet from the burial mound, in-which The Dragon indiscriminately attacks the countryside. Why does the dragon attack the geats in Beowulf? In many ways, the Dragon is reminiscent of Grendel attacking Heorot; he attacks the countryside, seeking vengeance against the Geats as a whole. The dragon has been guarding a treasure for hundreds of years and is disturbed by a thief, who enters the treasure tower and steals a cup. He attacks Geats because a man had taken a gold cup from his treasure. The dragon comes from a cave near the moors that grendel and his mother resided in I believe. Beowulf goes to destroy the dragon to protect the people of his land and to show maintain his heroic title. In other ways, the Dragon is very different from Grendel. The dragon is greater than grendel. Now the dragon realizes that something is missing, and he goes on a rampage to find the cup. A slave stole one of the dragon's golden goblet and the dragon started burning the countryside. Why does the dragon attack the geats in Beowulf. Why does Beowulf go to fight him? Is the dragon a greater or lesser threat than Grendel? He wanted Grendel to think he was sleeping so he could catch him off guard. What is the conflict of the story of sinigang? Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. What is the reflection of the story the mats by francisco arcellana? The last member of the race has a particularly moving speech in which he realizes that life is fleeting, compared to the permanent wealth. How long does a fresh turkey last in the refrigerator? What is the contribution of candido bartolome to gymnastics? Danico. The dragon in this final part of the epic of Beowulf is not terrorizing the Geats for the same reasons Grendel, a female villain , was causing mayhem, this time it was directly provoked when a kinsman of Beowulf’s (who is now king in his homeland) stumbles upon an undiscovered treasure and takes a golden cup to present to his king. How will understanding of attitudes and predisposition enhance teaching? The dragon is a greater threat than Grendel because he is strong and just plain evil. This is a symbol of greed, which was the evil the dragon posessed. What are the disadvantages of primary group? This dragon was guarding the treasure, which was left by an ancient civilization. Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC. Why is Beowulf going to fight this powerful dragon if he is already old? Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? How do you put grass into a personification? Why does the fire breathing dragon begin to terrorize the geats? Beowulf goes to fight him because the dragon has been attacking the Geats, and eventually slays the dragon. Why does Beowulf wait, allowing Grendel to kill one of the Geats, before he attacks Grendel? Why does Beowulf want to fight him? This dragon was guarding the treasure, which was left by an ancient civilization. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? Favorite Answer. The dragon comes from Earnaness. Top Answer. 1 decade ago. When did organ music become associated with baseball? the dragon slept. Beowulf’s peaceful rein is disrupted when a dragon begins to terrorize the Geats. Why is melted paraffin was allowed to drop a certain height and not just rub over the skin? Answer Save. Geats; peace&prosperity; 50. He attacks the geats because of a slave taking a golden cup. Wiki User Answered .


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