Unless you strongly believe in Elon Musk‘s idea of making Mars as another habitable planet, do remember that there really is no 'Planet B' in this whole universe. Find out how your searches have helped to finance another nursery in Madagascar this month, with a capacity of 200,000 trees. Rainforests' soils hold about 45% of the world's terrestrial carbon, cutting them down is like releasing a carbon bomb. Here are 10 powerful reasons why palm oil is bad for the environment. Consumers can play a vital role as they can put pressure on the companies by petitioning to change to the palm oil production process that does not harm some of the most precious ecosystems on Earth. Despite its many uses, palm oil use has been documented to cause numerous devastating impacts on the environment. It’s healthier compared to other vegetable oils. The fruit of the palm oil is already very oily on the outside. Entire families in rural Indonesia work in the palm oil industry. As a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, it is used to power cars in the form of biofuel and also known for producing heat and power. Soil erosion and poor soil quality have also caused damage, affecting the livelihoods of local villagers living close to these palm oil plantations. Despite only covering about 1.3-percent of the world land surface, Indonesia is home to 17-percent of all bird species, 10-percent of all flowering plant species, 16-percent of all amphibians, 16-percent of all reptiles, and 12-percent of all mammals. Read on to find out. They directly threaten 193 of the world's critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable animal species, including the sumatran and the bornean orangutan (source: International Union for Conservation of Nature). Also, with big multinationals looking for more land to cultivate the plant, there are increasing cases of community displacement due to illegal land grabs or forced relocation. Here are ’10+’ great reasons why palm oil is bad for the environment. Because in these man-made monocultures, local wildlife can't survive and the palm trees' roots soak up huge amounts of water, destroying the soil. Environmental charities have for a long time led the charge against its use. (And Are They Environment Friendly), When Do Peonies Bloom? Palm oil cultivation has been proven to cause major pollution to the water bodies in the adjacent areas. Processed foods, cosmetics and even clothes contain palm oil. Now, huge swathes of oil palm trees dominate the tropical landscape of South-East Asia, especially Indonesia and Malaysia, which make up over 85% of the global supply of palm oil. It is a key component in almost every industry. A good example is Indonesia. In as much the amount of methane produced from tropical forests‘ peat is negligible, the change in land use can cause raised soil temperatures that stimulate the process of methanogenesis. It can cause various health risks, such as certain types of cancers, growth problems, and reproductive disorders. Studies have also shown that streams that drain through the palm oil plantations tend to have physical, biochemical, and hydrological alterations that are different compared to the rivers that flow from the forest. Palm oil trees grow naturally in tropical forest areas, but have now been planted and farmed extensively to produce enough palm oil to satisfy global demand. But boycotting palm oil or putting a ban on it would not solve the problem - neither for nature, nor for people. Palm oil is so pervasive that it can be difficult to avoid. The changes in the use of land from farming crops to palm oil cultivation will also likely lead to instability of food prices as overall crop cultivation reduces. The increased use of herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers due to the ever-increasing palm oil plantations has the potential of resulting in the seepage of the agrochemicals into groundwater and the subsequent contamination of domestic water. It is found in half of all supermarket products including many processed foods, toiletries, cosmetics and candles. Try living a day without palm oil. Iceland has been prevented from airing its Christmas advert, New Eurotunnel animal restriction will 'cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of rescue dogs', Here's where I'm A Celebrity 2020 is being filmed - a 'haunted' castle in North Wales, 'Churchill in suspenders' mural will be permitted to stay after council withdraws objections, Last Royal Mail Christmas posting dates for all UK and international postage this year, Families across UK to spend Christmas together after four nations agree festive Covid plan. Cutting down forests puts many animals at risk of poaching. In the process of clearing forests to create space for palm oil farmland, the living biomass is destroyed, causing a decrease in natural carbon sinks and a subsequent increase in net carbon on the planet. The discharges from palm oil mills also tend to have high chemical content that ends up contaminating neighboring water systems, including groundwater. It occurs when farmers expand their farming areas by converting forests into large scale palm oil plantations. Although the growth of palm oil will likely lead to increased income in households, the long-term impact of palm oil can be detrimental to indigenous societies. On Borneo, Ecosia is also helping create alternative income solutions to palm oil. Get answers below! It is the reason why it is extensively used in fried products. The production of palm oil contributes to widespread deforestation and is pushing wildlife such as orangutans to extinction around the world. Orangutans are a prime target for expanding palm oil operations as they live high in the forest canopy, and their habitat needs to be destroyed. people in rural Indonesia directly depend on it. (And How to Keep Them Away), Do Deer Eat Peonies? The soil subsidence is also associated with the increased likeliness of saltwater intrusion and flooding. Considering that, the warming potential of methane is 25 times that of carbon dioxide, even a slight increase in methane emission can be highly damaging as it can increase the global temperatures significantly. A century ago there were probably more than 230,000 orangutans in total, but the Bornean orangutan is now estimated at about 104,700 based on an updated geographic range (Endangered) and the Sumatran about 7,500 (Critically Endangered). Unlike other trees, this type of palm trees can grow very quickly on any type of soil. In the more oxic peat layers, the methane is oxidized into carbon dioxide that plays a vital role in ensuring carbon balance. As there is a limited supply of nutrients to meet the requirement of trees, fertilizers and pesticides are used in large amounts to ensure rapid growth and the health of each tree, which further harms the state of the soil and makes it challenging for existing flora and fauna to survive in the area. Our current consumption of products containing palm oil is unsustainable. Accordingly, the declining yields may push farmers to use expensive fertilizers, which further reduce profitability. Non-government organizations have urged many of the world’s biggest companies to sign global commitments to drop using “dirty” palm oil. The British supermarket, which is banning the use of palm oil in its own-brand products from 2019 over its harmful impact on the environment, sparked controversy by using a Greenpeace animated film which featured an endangered orangutan and campaigned against the use of the food ingredient. Palm oil makes up about 10% of all Indonesian exports and 5% of Malaysia’s, which makes it their most important agricultural export commodity. Palm oil, the green fossil fuel The European Union alone is accounted for almost 50% of global imports of Palm Oil into its territory.


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