Woodland voles sometimes also eat seeds, bark and insects (Hamilton 1938; Cengel et al. Woodland Voles were more commonly captured on the Norfolk sand plain than the Haldimand clay plain and were rarely captured in woodlots isolated by agricultural land or in swampy areas. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 13: 183-187. Getz, L.L. Occurrences of Woodland Voles in Ontario and Québec. Agricultural development played a historical role in the loss of Woodland Vole habitat but the rate has slowed (Henson et al. In addition, the Appalachian Corridor Project has protected over 8,500 ha of land (ACA 2009). Toronto, Ontario. Miller, D.H. and L.L. They avoid highly saturated soils that make burrow construction difficult (Miller and Getz 1977; Rhodes and Richmond 1985). Anthony et al. Special animal abstract for Microtus pinetorum (woodland vole). Impossible to estimate given current information. Pp. The Bruce Trail Conservancy protects approximately 2500 ha throughout Ontario, a small proportion of this area is Woodland Vole habitat (BTC 2010). 2009. Alain Filion (Scientific and Geomatics Officer, COSEWIC Secretariat) created the range maps. Some forest ecosystems, including forests that support Woodland Voles, are protected through federal and provincial regulations, Conservation Authorities, and as Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest, or by the Nature Conservancy (Henson et al. 158 pp. Other ecological factors likely limit the known distribution in Ontario. They are dark chestnut dorsally, with tawny sides and silvery or buffy grey ventrally (Banfield 1974; Hall 1979). 2010. Fragmentation is greater in Montérégie, where average patch size is 20-40 km², versus Estrie, which has an average patch size of 3000 km² (M. Léveillé, pers. 2-11. in: Byers, R.E. This likely resulted in habitat loss as small remnant forest tracts and hedgerows were converted for agricultural production (Duchesne et al. The Influence of light intensity on reproduction in pine voles, Microtus pinetorum. In both Québec, and Ontario the Woodland Vole is considered Vulnerable (S3; NatureServe 2010). Woodland voles have a monogamous mating system. Map developed from published literature, examination of museum specimens, and observations/photographs from trusted sources. Woodland Vole. Godschalk. Females mature at 10-12 weeks and conceive as early as day 77, but on average at 105 days (Schadler and Butterstein 1979). offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) Bazely. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Woodland Vole Microtus pinetorum in Canada. Checklist of the Birds of Ontario. Sampling efforts have been inadequate to accurately determine the distribution and/or population size of Woodland Voles. Andrén, H. 1994. Albinos and bright orange-yellow coloured (xanthochromism) individuals are common (Smolen 1981). Mary Gartshore (Pterophylla Native Plants and Seeds, Walsingham, Ontario) provided information about the Woodland Vole. In Canada, there are few data (Ross 1998). Forshey, C.G., P.N. Currently, she is completing research on the impact of timber harvest on the survival, reproductive success and dispersal on American Marten (Martes americana atrata) in Newfoundland. Conservation Biology 9: 753-760. Notes on the mammals of Ontario. This underestimates lifespan because many individuals are first captured as adults. Nine-banded armadillo. Historical observations (prior to 1956) were excluded from the calculation of distribution parameters. Email correspondence to E. Herdman. comm. Bradley, S. R. 1976. Pine vole reproduction in relation to food habits and body fat. 2007. Land Trust Member Directory. Dispersal distance of mammals is proportional to home range size. During a severe winter M. pinetorum may cause damage to trees. Individuals in an enclosure in South Carolina persisted longer, with nearly 80% of the population surviving 2-6 months from first capture (Gentry 1968).


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