Within each key stage, schools therefore have the flexibility to introduce content earlier or later than set out in the programme of study. Unicellular Organisms . They should make their own decisions about what observations to make, what measurements to use and how long to make them for, and whether to repeat them; choose the most appropriate equipment to make measurements and explain how to use it accurately. They should raise and answer questions that help them to become familiar with the life processes that are common to all living things. Pupils should be taught to take the necessary precautions for working safely with electricity. Our year 8 science revision worksheets help cover all the topics you need to know and are kept in line with the year 8 science curriculum to make sure your child can learn and revise all the content, available online and printable. They could construct a simple food chain that includes humans (eg, grass, cow, human). We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve government services. Note: plants can be grouped into categories such as flowering plants (including grasses) and non-flowering plants, for example ferns and mosses. Measurement of energy changes in chemical reactions (qualitative), Bond breaking, bond making, activation energy and reaction profiles (qualitative), factors that influence the rate of reaction: varying temperature or concentration, changing the surface area of a solid reactant or by adding a catalyst, distinguishing between pure and impure substances, separation techniques for mixtures of substances: filtration, crystallisation, chromatography, simple and fractional distillation, quantitative interpretation of balanced equations, concentrations of solutions in relation to mass of solute and volume of solvent, life cycle assessment and recycling to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product’s life, the viability of recycling of certain materials, carbon compounds, both as fuels and feedstock, and the competing demands for limited resources, fractional distillation of crude oil and cracking to make more useful materials, extraction and purification of metals related to the position of carbon in a reactivity series, evidence for composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere since its formation, evidence, and uncertainties in evidence, for additional anthropogenic causes of climate change, potential effects of, and mitigation of, increased levels of carbon dioxide and methane on the Earth’s climate, common atmospheric pollutants: sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulates and their sources, the Earth’s water resources and obtaining potable water, the use of models, as in the particle model of matter or the wave models of light and of sound, the concept of cause and effect in explaining such links as those between force and acceleration, or between changes in atomic nuclei and radioactive emissions, the phenomena of ‘action at a distance’ and the related concept of the field as the key to analysing electrical, magnetic and gravitational effects, that differences, for example between pressures or temperatures or electrical potentials, are the drivers of change, that proportionality, for example between weight and mass of an object or between force and extension in a spring, is an important aspect of many models in science, energy changes in a system involving heating, doing work using forces, or doing work using an electric current: calculating the stored energies and energy changes involved, conservation of energy in a closed system, dissipation, calculating energy efficiency for any energy transfers, renewable and non-renewable energy sources used on Earth, changes in how these are used, forces and fields: electrostatic, magnetic, gravity, calculating work done as force x distance; elastic and inelastic stretching, pressure in fluids acts in all directions: variation in Earth’s atmosphere with height, with depth for liquids, up-thrust force (qualitative), speed of sound, estimating speeds and accelerations in everyday contexts, interpreting quantitatively graphs of distance, time, and speed, acceleration caused by forces; Newton’s First Law, decelerations and braking distances involved on roads, safety, amplitude, wavelength, frequency, relating velocity to frequency and wavelength, electromagnetic waves, velocity in vacuum; waves transferring energy; wavelengths and frequencies from radio to gamma-rays, velocities differing between media: absorption, reflection, refraction effects, production and detection, by electrical circuits, or by changes in atoms and nuclei, uses in the radio, microwave, infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, X-ray and gamma-ray regions, hazardous effects on bodily tissues, measuring resistance using p.d. Pupils might work scientifically by: identifying and grouping animals with and without skeletons and observing and comparing their movement; exploring ideas about what would happen if humans did not have skeletons. For some students, studying the sciences in key stage 4 provides the platform for more advanced studies, establishing the basis for a wide range of careers. �YMVbPW��EJ��Z��E�����ό3LR;.cZ��:�7ǎ��}�[�N.t�v0�w�n�`k�l�(w���P��$�5p�v�wj�C���D��q.p�ݮn����9mi_�ž�g�S`��S� > qݩ [�1����9*����΁���� 4��^�-�ĽR�P�NR5��dUՋ�c�z�@^�*�vR8����E7�_ؖ�J�v�!cώ&Y���i��&56sʚ]�����p���2���ӝ����L����S���_�XƸ�h�i�Թ�j�/A�����A�c�51 To understand how bacteria, protoctists and microscopic fungi can help or harm other organisms. The following examples might be used: egg, chick, chicken; egg, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly; spawn, tadpole, frog; lamb, sheep. They might observe how water is transported in plants, for example, by putting cut, white carnations into coloured water and observing how water travels up the stem to the flowers. Pupils should explore, name, discuss and raise and answer questions about everyday materials so that they become familiar with the names of materials and properties such as: hard/soft; stretchy/stiff; shiny/dull; rough/smooth; bendy/not bendy; waterproof/not waterproof; absorbent/not absorbent; opaque/transparent. Teachers should feel free to choose examples that serve a variety of purposes, from showing how scientific ideas have developed historically to reflecting modern developments in science. The principal focus of science teaching in upper key stage 2 is to enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas. Note: pupils should be warned that it is not safe to look directly at the sun, even when wearing dark glasses. They should explore reversible changes, including evaporating, filtering, sieving, melting and dissolving, recognising that melting and dissolving are different processes. They should think about the properties of materials that make them suitable or unsuitable for particular purposes and they should be encouraged to think about unusual and creative uses for everyday materials. �=��c�G� ��\q�Y�k�٠����|آ4�%����"��~���aJ"k~�(����4 k~߱����ʑ߷���=ge��e�L�=��6Wlj�jmuP�l)찵Q��QL����-�Ո�DH� ߜʎ|w�ںFC¥��q!� It is sufficient for them to observe that some conductors will produce a brighter bulb in a circuit than others and that some materials will feel hotter than others when a heat source is placed against them. Schools are not required by law to teach the content indicated as being ‘non-statutory’. They might observe changes in an animal over a period of time (for example, by hatching and rearing chicks), comparing how different animals reproduce and grow. They should learn how to use new equipment, such as data loggers, appropriately. Pupils should explore the effects of levers, pulleys and simple machines on movement.


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