Review: Swarovski ATX-85 Angled Spotting Scope - Yes, it's that good. Northern Flicker (male), Bowmont Park, May 2017. Song Sparrow, Bowmont Park, May 2017. Female similar but lacks orange in the yellow crown. On our way out to the main pathway, we spotted this Clay-colored Sparrow finishing up his shift at the gravel quarry and heading out for the day. Cornell Labs All About Birds Online Field Guide. And this Warbling Vireo may be even younger – just fledged! Swainson’s HawkPentax K-5 + Sigma 150-500@500mm1/1000sec., ƒ/10.0, ISO 800. Wings are gray with two white bars. Legs and feet are black. Head and nape are blue. Feeds primarily on hairy caterpillars, also insects, larvae, small fruits, and berries. The nest seems large for a Yellow Warbler, with a lot of material hanging down (animal hair?). Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Bowmont Park, May 2017. All of them are small birds with long, thin bills used for snapping up insects and larvae. Brown underparts are lightly barred on flanks, belly, and undertail. It is the most colorful member of its family in North America. We sometimes have presentations or other activities. These birds are widespread in most shrubby and second-growth habitats in North America, where they can be seen quickly hopping from branch to branch. Bill, legs, and feet are black. First I wanted to mention that although it may seem like a quiet time of year, especially with the steady hot weather we have had, the past couple of weeks have been pretty good for fall warblers and other migrants. It may be worth checking for it if you’re in the area. Green-tailed Towhee: Large sparrow, olive-green upperparts and pale gray underparts. Photo by Tony LePrieur. Gray Catbird, Bowmont Park, May 2017. Black bill is short and thin. Male has dark blue upperparts, black throat and mask. Face is white with black mask and throat, and head has a yellow crown. After a really long summer hiatus, it’s time to get posting again. Black-throated Gray Warbler: Small warbler, black-marked, slate-gray upperparts, black streaks on flanks, white underparts. Female has olive-yellow upperparts and dull yellow underparts. June 18, 2017. You can read the messages without joining, but if you want to post your sightings you'll have to join the group Albertabird. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new blog posts by email. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The Calgary May Species Count takes place over the weekend of May 27-28, so come and find out where people are going and what they hope to see. Wilson’s Phalaropes (foreground-female; background-male). Bill is black, legs and feet are pink. Just email them to us at, Nature Calgary is the local umbrella group for natural history enthusiasts. Review: Swarovski ATX-85 Angled Spotting Scope - Yes, it's that good. Sexes are similar. Northern Wheatear: Small thrush (oenanthe), with gray upperparts, black wings, mask, and tail. Swainson's Thrush: Medium-sized thrush (swainsoni), with dull olive-brown or olive-gray upperparts, pale buff eye-ring, dark moustache stripe, and brown-spotted buff throat and breast, and white belly. Black tail is notched. Forages by scratching on the ground. Cornell Labs All About Birds Online Field Guide. Feeds on insects, larvae, grains, seeds, berries. Bird sightings, especially rare or reportable birds, should be posted to the Listserv Albertabird. Wings have a white wingbar. BirdYYC2020 Challenge – In the Homestretch! Below is the nesting bird again. Gray CatbirdPentax K-5 + Sigma 150-500@500mm1/1000sec., ƒ/8.0, ISO 1600. Bill is black. These birds can be somewhat hard to find around the city, but often along the Bow River. Tail is long, rounded, white-tipped. Legs and feet are pink-gray. The black mask and chin contrast with a heavy red bill. A Lark Sparrow has been seen at Mallard Point. All spring and summer long, these little yellow fireballs will be singing all over the place until they manage to find a mate and raise their young. Photo by Tony LePrieur. Wings and tail are dark. Have you seen a flash of yellow in your yard lately? Short, bounding flight, alternates several rapid wing beats with wings pulled to sides. If you have some photos of local birds you’d like to post here, send them to us at Legs and feet are pink. The Wood Warbler family is famous for their diversity in plumage, song, feeding and breeding biology. See this post for guidelines. Photo by Tony LePrieur. Wings are brown with chestnut-brown patches. BirdYYC2020 Challenge – In the Homestretch! Painted Bunting: Colorful, medium-sized bunting. Would you like to share your photos of birds from the Calgary area? The eyes are large and dark and the tail is often spread, displaying large white spots. This product and/or its method of use is covered by one or more of the following patent(s): US patent number 7,363,309 and foreign equivalents. Photo by Tony LePrieur. Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society. Yellow WarblerPentax K-5 + Sigma 150-500@500mm1/800sec., ƒ/8.0, ISO 1600. Sunday Showcase: Summer in Alberta, Part 1, Sunday Showcase: Fish Creek and Carburn Parks, U of C Peregrine Falcons, 1995-2015 (pdf). Several quick wing strokes alternated with wings pulled to the sides. Gray legs and feet. It's an excellent place to read about recent sightings, share your lists and report rare birds. U of C Peregrine Falcons, 1995-2015 (pdf). Eyes are dark. Hooded Warbler: Medium warbler, olive-green upperparts, bright yellow underparts.


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