Lee, V. Khuu, Z.M. by E.D. 71–74, J. Geist, A.R. Yang, Nano Lett. & Zhang, Z.M. Zhang, J. Thermophys. The results show that the state occupied/unoccupied effect is almost negligible for silicon absorption coefficients up to the onset of the optical gain condition where the energy separation of Quasi-Femi levels between electrons and holes is larger than the band-gap energy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions, ... Optical absorption at 10.6 μm in silicon is mainly due to lattice absorption and free carrier absorption. Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Changes of optical properties of the treated a-Si:H were investigated using optical transmittance spectroscopy and the angular distribution of intensity of reflected radiation (ADIRR). Work supported by the National Research Council of Canada and the Energy Research and Development Agency under Contract No. Particular attention is given to the special properties of surfaces; the mechanisms of adsorption, desorption, and nucleation, so important in this area, are discussed. Jones, T. Digges Jr., in Proceedings of the 1997 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (Charlottesville, VA, 1997), pp. Correspondence to Early, D.P. Song, Y.H. George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, Han Wang, Xianglei Liu & Zhuomin M. Zhang, School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, People’s Republic of China, You can also search for this author in The absorption coefficient, α describes the decrease in the intensity of light while passing through a material. A pulsed CO2 laser has been used for the annealing of doped ion-implanted silicon crystals. International Journal of Thermophysics Use, Smithsonian Zhang, Int. Int J Thermophys 34, 213–225 (2013). The optical absorption coefficient is an important parameter in calculating the performance characteristics of solar cells. For GaxIn1-xAs, the absorption coefficient increases with the value of x. absorption and extinction coefficients of silicon at 633 nm. Other - NASA Technical Note (TN) Authors . The efficacy of this approach is illustrated by an example in which an arsenic‐implanted silicon crystal is simultaneously exposed to 530‐ and 1060‐nm pulses. Zhang, Nanotechnology 20, 215704 (2009), B.N. when the constituents of the reaction are in nonequilibrium states. Also, we discuss the contribution of free carrier absorption during annealing with a Nd:glass laser (λ = 1.06 μm). by G. Chen (Begell House, New York, 2013), H. Wang, X.L. Free carrier absorption vs. wavelength at different doping levels (n-Si). The optical transmission of commerical Si wafers was measured at the wavelength of 10.6 μm as a function of temperature in the interval from about 78 to 850 K. We show that the absorptivity of Si increases with the sample temperature. However, solar irradiance, shown on figure 1, (amount of radiant energy received from the sun per unit area per unit time) is greatest at visible wavelengths, 300-800nm, peaking in the blue green. Absorption Coefficients of Crystalline Silicon at Wavelengths from 500 nm to 1000 nm. As indirect band gap transitions imply the presence of an electron, a photon and a phonon, the generation of electron-hole pairs proceeds at a much slower rate than in the case of direct band gap materials. The multiphoton absorption of 9.3‐μm CO 2 laser radiation induced by multiphoton absorption of 16‐μm CF 4 laser radiation in UF 6 is reported. 28, 918 (2007), X.J. Partners: University of Edinburgh , NHS, Hamamatsu UK . In the following we shall classify reactions into those which are governed by mainly pyrolytic (photothermal) or by mainly photolytic (photochemical) processes. Philipp, H. Ehrenreich, Phys. The present controversy regarding the behaviour of silicon under intense laser excitation has stimulated much theoretical interest in the subject, and this has additionally helped to bring about a better understanding of many related physical phenomena. Houston, C.L. Carrier concentration profiles obtained by scanning IR absorption were found to be in good agreement with those obtained by standard spreading resistance measurements. Sol. Quantitative agreement is obtained with a value of 0.3m for the effective mass. For comparison, we conducted conventional direct glass thermal imprinting experiments, further emphasizing the advantages of our new method, which outperformed conventional methods. In many cases the different mechanisms and possibilities of excitation contribute simultaneously to the reaction, but often one of them dominates. A simple, non-destructive, and convenient method using Raman spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy for extracting the absorption coefficient of MoS2 is presented. All rights reserved. for A, -TZs. Flicker, B.J. The absorption coefficient, α, is related to the extinction coefficient, k, by the following formula: $$\alpha=\frac{4 \pi k}{\lambda}$$ where λ is the wavelength. Laser-induced chemical reactions can be based on several fundamentally different microscopic mechanisms. The method is based on free carrier absorption in the infrared region where other absorption processes are negligible. In contrast the half‐width of the Si‐O stretching vibration at 1070 cm-1 was found to be consistently less than for furnace‐grown oxides. These thin oxide films have been compared by infrared spectrometry with thin furnace‐grown layers. by F. Roozeboom (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996), pp. It is suggested that the band is associated with the excitation of carriers to a higher lying energy band. It incorporates direct and indirect interband transitions and considers the effects of occupied/unoccupied carrier states. At 10.6 µm, lattice vibration absorption dominates the absorption mechanism at low temperatures and low doping levels, ... To model the free carrier absorption increase due to thermal effects we use the simplified model described in [17], which is in reasonable agreement with experimentally derived results, ... Additional improvement in resolution can also be achieved by using a high power laser source with a shorter wavelength, such as a fiber laser operating in the near IR. We are specifically working in developing this technology to monitor the de-differentiation, proliferation, differentiation and expansion of stem cells – addressing a critical need in this industry for quality assurance and quality control of their products. Using the light attenuation model from the measurements, the experimentally extracted absorption coefficient of the thin MoS2 flakes is determined to be 2.8 × 106 cm−1. Phys. We report for the first time, the use of a focussed CO 2 laser beam and a controlled oxygen atmosphere to induce localized oxidation on the surface of a silicon wafer. The validity of Lambert‐Bouguer’s Law for such thin films has been confirmed, and the apparent absorption coefficient calculated for the absorption at 1065 cm-1 is in good agreement with previously published data for thicker, vapor‐deposited, and thermally grown films. Chen, Z.M. The intensity changes of silicon peaks in the Raman spectra are important information for determining the MoS 2 absorption coefficient as follows. Zhuomin M. Zhang. This method allows the calculation of the vibrational energy distribution from the observed infrared fluorescence or absorption spectrum, and vice versa.


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