When the desired trait is found within the same species (such as two varieties of millet - Box 6), it may be transferred with traditional breeding methods, with molecular markers being used to track the desired gene. many trees), speeding up plant breeding and providing abundant plant material for research. Data from other approaches, for example field observation, often cannot provide such information or are extremely difficult to collect. 2. In developing countries, there is a need for continued focus on the optimization of agricultural output, in conjunction with conservation of the natural resources base, via improved crops and crop management systems. 5. Genetically modified plants have enhanced nutritional value. Genetic modification has had limited but real success in modifying a few simple input traits in a small number of commercial commodity crops, adopted also in some developing countries. Biotechnology is not just about developing genetically modified foods and crops it has some aesthetic applications as well. In plants, the most common method for genetic engineering uses the soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefasciens as a vector. Agricultural biotechnology represents only one factor among many others, influencing the welfare and health of citizens and farmers in the developing world. Many biotechnological advances were made in industrialized countries in the private sector, leading to development of proprietary technologies that are often unavailable to scientists in developing countries. Micropropagation is particularly useful for maintaining valuable plants, breeding otherwise difficult-to-breed species (e.g. Source & ©: FAO "The State of Food and Agriculture 2003-2004" Chapter 2: What is agricultural biotechnology?  Section Breeding and reproducing crops and trees Subsection Cell and tissue culture micropropagation, Source & ©: FAO "The State of Food and Agriculture 2003-2004" Chapter 2: What is agricultural biotechnology?  Section Breeding and reproducing crops and trees, Box 7. India has serious problems of the blast in rice, rust in wheat, leaf rust in coffee, viruses in tomato and chillies and leaf spot in groundnut across the country. This is done in the hope of increasing crop yield. Similar work is being performed to improve the tolerance of plants to other stresses such as drought, saline soils and temperature extremes. Table 2: Genetic variation in concentrations of iron, zinc, beta-carotene and ascorbic acid found in germplasm of five staple foods, dry weight basis. This causes a decrease in crop yield. 2.4 How can laboratory techniques help in growing and selecting plants? While there have been significant successes in the adoption by farmers of a few first-generation transgenic varieties, there have also been unexpected market setbacks as farmers sought to avoid high seed costs and other restrictions. Researchers insert the desired gene or genes into the bacterium and then infect the host plant. They also help to increase the mineral usage by plants, thereby preventing early exhaustion of soil fertility. Starting from the ability to identify genes that may confer advantages on certain crops, and the ability to work with such characteristics very precisely, biotechnology enhances breeders’ ability to make improvements in crops … The process of testing for suspected genetic defects before administering treatment is called genetic diagnosis by genetic testing. Molecular markers can be used for (a) marker-assisted breeding, (b) understanding and conserving genetic resources and (c) genotype verification. Tissue culture – Tissue culture method is the regeneration of plants in the laboratory from disease-free plant parts. For example, biotechnology crops can be engineered to tolerate specific herbicides, which make weed control simpler and more efficient. A source of value-added genes and traits that will increase farmer productivity and also profitability. For example, mutagenesis is widely used in developing countries and more than 2 200 mutation-derived crop varieties have been obtained worldwide in the last sixty years, mainly in developing countries. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In case if you miss this: Vegetable Farming Business Plan for High Yield, and Profits. Genetically Modified Organisms – Biotechnology has both Genetically Modified and Non- Genetically Modified applications in agriculture. 2.2 What can be learnt from studying the genetic makeup of a species? Micropropagation involves taking small sections of plant tissue, or entire structures such as buds, and culturing them under artificial conditions to regenerate complete plants. Broadly speaking, biotechnology is any technique that uses living organisms or substances from these organisms to make or modify a product for a practical purpose (Box 2). Box 9 describes the debate surrounding a project to enhance the protein content of potato using genetic engineering. For many years, a microbe called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has been used to dust crops by producing toxic proteins against pests. from one plant to another); and (c) “tweaking”, in which genes already present in the organism's genome are manipulated to change the level or pattern of expression. The government should enhance its legal system by instituting penalties for those who do not follow the regulations, strengthen and enforce its anti-trust laws to prevent monopolies, and impose product-liability laws to force corporate responsibility. These crop production options could help countries keep pace with demands for food while reducing production costs. To prevent this infestation, a novel strategy was adopted which is based on the method of RNA interference (RNAi). MAS is still at a relatively early stage in its application for key subsistence crops in many developing countries, although it has begun to produce some significant results, such as the development of a pearl millet hybrid with resistance to downy mildew disease in India. Then, this causes the cells to swell and lyse, eventually leading to the death of the insect. Comparative genomics assists in the understanding of many genomes based on the intensive study of just a few. Though it is not possible to know exactly which will come to fruition, certainly biotechnology will have highly varied uses for agriculture in the future. What are the implications of GM-technologies for animals? Micropropagation is used for the mass clonal propagation of elite lines or disease-free planting material. The strategic integration of agricultural biotechnology tools into Indian agricultural systems can revolutionize Indian farming and usher in a new era in the countryside. Genetic linkage maps can be used to locate and select for genes affecting traits of economic importance in plants or animals. Scientists have come up with a way to eliminate the use of Bacillus thuringiensis by introducing pest-resistant crops. Biotechnology enables improvements that are not possible with the traditional crossing of related plant species alone. Many recent publications have reported useful correlations between in vitro responses and the expression of desirable field traits for crop plants, most commonly disease resistance. A major technical factor limiting the application of genetic modification to forest trees is the current low level of knowledge regarding the molecular control of traits that are of most interest. A new tool can significantly impact crop productivity; Compatible with sustainable, environmentally sound agricultural farm practices; A non-capital intensive approach will benefit agriculture in developing countries; and.


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