Animal Law 101: What Is “Necessary” Animal... Fair Oaks Farms ‘Pig Adventure,’ The First... Where Animal Welfare Gets It Wrong: Part II, Why I Abandoned My Horse Racing and Riding Past, Farm Animals Take Center Stage in Zoe Weil’s New TED Talk, Salmonella: Blame the Hatcheries, Not the Chickens, Castration of Baby Animals with No Painkillers is Legal and Common Practice in Farming Today. Global Animal Protection. Further pressure came in the early 2000s, with the publication of Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation and Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma. The only USDA-approved third-party certification label that supports and promotes family farmers who raise their animals with the highest welfare standards, outdoors, on pasture or range. What is “Regenerative”? GAP quickly complied with accommodating labels. An AWI-approved pork chop, for example, comes from a pig that was never crated, never pumped with growth hormones, never tail docked, never affixed with a nose ring, never transported, and never denied easy access to a verdant pasture. Guarantees 100 percent grass and forage diet on pasture or range, and high-welfare management. Ninety-five percent of meat eaters today express an avid interest in animal welfare. But they couldn't be more different. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The Animal Welfare Approved spokesman auditions. Moreover, Negowetti calls for labels that better communicate the animal welfare standards that certain products satisfy. One potential solution is to enact federal regulation either establishing standardized animal welfare practices or requiring producers to obtain specific certifications. What we now have is business as usual parading under the banner of righteous reform. Grocery stores throughout the United States carry animal products labeled “humanely raised” and “raised with care.” But do these animal welfare labels tell consumers what they need to know? The reputation seems well deserved. In any case, if Niman Ranch, which is growing, hoped to sustain its reputation, and maintain profitable relations with companies such as Whole Foods, it would have to acquire new certification. This lack of standardization makes it harder for consumers to understand the practices involved in producing animal food products. Without independent verification of a producer’s animal welfare practices, USDA can approve labels that are “misleading and deceptive,” Negowetti charges. Read the AWA standards and FAQ. Most consumers indicate that they are “very concerned” about the welfare of farm animals. In certifying industrial farms with a humane label, they empower big agriculture to capture niche markets once supplied by sustainable farms— farms that already treat their animals with relatively high standards. But as demand for humanely raised meat increased, supply lagged. Certified Humane. Niman vehemently denies this speculative claim. Facing a host of turkey products, ethically conscious consumers should research which kind of labels truly reveal humane practices. Standard 1 is so lax that its packing density requirement for cattle (250 sq/ft per cow) is less than that of the cattle industry itself (350 sq/ft). Welfare labels, as they now operate, are thus not only useless, but may ultimately cause more animal suffering than they prevent. The Newest Label Coming to a Grocery Store Near You. Dairy and Type 1 Diabetes in Children: The Science Explained, California and New York Legislators Hope to Prevent Future Pandemics, Sally Came from a Place that Should Not Exist Today. For example, Animal Welfare Approved standards prohibit alterations like beak trimming, require all animals have pasture access, and require that animals can engage in natural behaviors. You can’t take the narrow industrial genetics of poultry and expect the birds to do well in an open environment. Although Negowetti concludes that USDA should be involved in promoting transparency and consumer empowerment, she is skeptical of proposals that exclusively call for more government regulation. Consider the following sketches of the dominant welfare labels, the ones you are likely to see in high-end chains such as Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Fresh Fields, and Wegman’s: American Humane. Animal Welfare Approved Is a Top Pick The AWA label has among the most stringent standards for animal welfare including comprehensive standards for raising, transport and slaughter. In addition to these inconsistent standards, the gap in farm animal welfare regulation also contributes to consumer confusion about meat labeling. A Greener World’s forthcoming certification. When AWI fired Niman, it lost over 500 farms. These dominant certifiers, in bed with industry, stand in stark contrast to certifiers that refuse to lend legitimacy to industrial farms— organizations such as AWI, Britain’s Soil Association, and previously Canada’s PGI, a stringent certifier that walked away from certification because of widespread cheating across the marketing group. Industry responded this time by seeking third-party certification. Animals Eat Other Animals, So Why Shouldn’t We? In contrast, the American Humane Certified standards allow for alterations without requiring pain relief, do not include an outdoor access requirement, and do not require the accommodation of natural behaviors. Registered 501(c)(3). Existing legislation requires meat producers to obtain approval from the Food Safety and Inspection Service at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) before they include animal welfare labels on food product packaging. Look for ASPCA recommended labels Animal Welfare Approved, Certified Humane, and Global Animal Partnership (Step 2 or higher), and then sign up to join the Shop With Your Heart movement for the latest info on finding these products and making welfare-conscious choices when you shop. Guest Essay from Macrobiotic Pioneer, Marlene Watson-Tara: “Go Vegan – It’s Easy”, Why Vegetarianism Makes No Sense From A Moral Perspective, On Various Religious and Secular "Justifications" of Unjustified Violence. Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) is a standard for farm animal welfare - the basic premise is that animals must be able to behave naturally and be in a state of physical and psychological well-being. The program, which is administered by the non-profit Animal Welfare Institute, is … Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW is the only label that guarantees animals are raised outdoors on pasture or range for their entire lives on an independent farm using truly sustainable, high-welfare farming practices. Standards cover the treatment of breeding animals, animals during transport, and animals … The only grassfed welfare label. In a recent article, Harvard Law School professor Nicole Negowetti suggests that consumer demand can be a powerful tool for changing meat production practices. Guarantees 100 percent grass and forage diet on pasture or range, and high-welfare management. But USDA’s approval process is inadequate, Negowetti argues. Recognized by Consumer Reports as the only “highly meaningful” label for farm animal welfare, outdoor access and sustainability. High-welfare, environmentally sustainable farming without genetically engineered ingredients. However, if the growing popularity of labels from certifiers such as American Humane, Certified Humane, and GAP are any indication, this solution is equally ineffective. When it comes to ensuring better lives for laying hens, don’t be duped by meaningless labels. These bags of ground-up flesh may look similar to bags of ground-up flesh from those big, greedy factory farms.


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