. Aristotle's contribution: tragic beauty. [54] In the moment of apprehension, both readings are available concurrently. ; ibid.). multiplicity of Aristotle's aesthetic interpreters and the A loftier conception of the aims of poetry was afforded by the strictures of Aristophanes in the Frogs and elsewhere. For example: “If this evokes emotion, then it is art” denotes sufficiency – a child’s tantrum might be art. that goes beyond whatever is necessary for ordinary cognition” (Guyer, “The Harmony of the Faculties Revisited,” in Values of Beauty, 99, emphasis added). (This ought to be true even if the savage were to build up a repertoire of concepts that are incomparable to our own, given the universal character of thought that Kant typically presupposes—despite CJ §17, 5:233–34, a passage that in any case concerns a special category of the aesthetic [“normal ideas”] and not its most general account.) It tracks the operations of the “healthy” human understanding (der gesunde Verstand) in its normal and “natural” operations (CJ Preface, 5:169; §§39–40, 5:293; §40, 5:293–95). The faculties are always activated by being cast into play (ins Spiel gesetzt; CJ §9, 5:217; cf. I think we are all vulnerable to this kind of understanding to a greater or lesser degree. adapted; emphasis added). Less squeamish than modern aestheticians, Aristotle and his ancient kin were happy to develop a large, seemingly indiscriminate, linguistic palette for describing this value, which could be located in any domain whatsoever, likewise indiscriminately, from the parts of animals to the image of God. . We speak about aesthetic perceptions, reflection, judgment, and value. Paul Guyer, trans. After all, aesthetics is a field of inquiry that we normally associate, since Kant, with art and literature. [82] Tragedy’s proper pleasure should not be different from the pleasures that govern life as an activity; it ought to fall under them. Aristotle, history of aesthetics. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 106: “pleasures of contemplation or desire have the same content as a conscious state of the mind,” though perhaps it would be more in keeping with Kant to say that the pleasures of contemplation and those of cognition have the same form (are formally identical) but are directed at, or generate, different kinds of mental objects. James Creed Meredith (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952). Sublimity is for him the name of this same relationship when it is threatened. (Some theorists regard the criterion of evoking emotion as a form a functionalism – it is art’s purpose.). Rebecca Kukla (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 138–61, here 158. In Longuenesse’s paraphrase, “a conatus is associated with every Vermögen (mental faculty). [10] It does not pertain to the subject, for whom the feeling of life is of paramount interest and utility. The harmonious fit of mind and world is reassuring. Jahrhundert; Kants Qualitätskategorien, Ancient Literary Criticism: The Principal Texts in New Translations, the whole body must evidently be for the sake of some complex action, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. For just as “every sense [aisthēsis] which is in good condition acts perfectly [most completely] in relation to the most beautiful [to kalliston] of its [sensible] objects [to aisthēton], . See John Dewey, Art as Experience, ed. The fact that essential criteria do not necessarily exclude one another helps; some art embodies several of the features. Faculties just are forces, and they wield great power. The regulatory authorities have had the most difficult time attempting to regulate the skewed conception of what beauty is. Kant’s aesthetics is, among other things, a model of mental health. Jo Ann Boydston, Harriet Furst Simon, and Abraham Kaplan (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1989), arguing for the need to explore “the continuity of esthetic experience with normal processes of living” (16). Such theories are regarded as arbitrary or capricious by those who view beauty as purely subjective. This reasoning helps resolve one objection to essentialist theories, but there is another flavor of objection to essentialism.


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