Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) is a systematic approach to the mental process used by airplane pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances. Landing gear employing a rear-mounted wheel is called a conventional landing gear. The loadmeter reflects the total percentage of the load placed on the generating capacity of the electrical system by the electrical accessories and battery. Educational Programs Office (EPO) Well, this is your challenge. All of this information was developed in the public domain. Some airplanes have receptacles to which an external ground power unit (GPU) may be connected to provide electrical energy for starting. The number and location of these servos depends on the complexity of the system. + Inspector General Hotline Contact Glenn. + HitModeler Interactive Simulator us have traveled on an airplane, or we know someone who has. If an airplane is flying in a straight line, and a sideward gust of air gives the airplane a slight rotation about its vertical axis (i.e., the right), the motion is retarded and stopped by the fin because while the airplane is rotating to the right, the air is striking the left side of the fin at an angle. Aircraft oxygen is usually stored in high pressure system containers of 1,800 — 2,200 pounds per square inch (p.s.i.). Downloadable addendum is available for Basic Aeronautical Knowledge (4th Edition) ——————————— Fourth Edition December 2018 ISBN Printed 978-1-875537-24-2 ISBN Digital 978-1-875537-21-1 The line CG-CL-T represents the airplane's longitudinal axis from the center of gravity (CG) to a point T on the horizontal stabilizer. Why does a wing change shape on takeoff and landing? When the airplane is banked without turning, it tends to sideslip or slide downward toward the lowered wing. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; has variously changed from high school students to college students and back Hey, do you think you have enough knowledge of aviation and can take any quiz down without a problem? The candidates must pass this exam (80% minimum) in order to be invited for a personal (remote) interview to assess the suitability of the candidate. The heated windscreen should only be used during flight. The forward CG, therefore, tends to keep the airplane moving forward in a straight line rather than ground looping. Each page describes a single subject related to the topic and every ever wonder how airplanes fly? A neutral or divergent, short-period oscillation is dangerous because structural failure usually results if the oscillation is not damped immediately. Equipment that commonly uses the electrical system for its source of energy includes: Many airplanes are equipped with a battery switch that controls the electrical power to the airplane in a manner similar to the master switch. + Rocketry Guide and Activities. Too much stability is detrimental to maneuverability, and similarly, not enough stability is detrimental to controllability. on the various topics using the slides from the Beginner's Guides. Water Rockets The degree of pressurization and the operating altitude of the aircraft are limited by several critical design factors. + var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Industrial oxygen is not intended for breathing and may contain impurities, and medical oxygen contains water vapor that can freeze in the regulator when exposed to cold temperatures. The cockpit control switch actuates the dump valve. Free directional oscillations (Dutch roll). + GasLab Interactive Animations The prop anti-ice system can be monitored for proper operation by monitoring the prop anti-ice ammeter. + Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act The following pages cover the area of knowledge about flight planning and flight safety including weight and balance calculations and aircraft checklists as well as knowledge about the human performance factor. Materials that are nearly fireproof in ordinary air may be susceptible to burning in oxygen. The downward force thus produced, holds the tail down, counterbalancing the "heavy" nose. To provide more positive stability aside from that provided by the fuselage, a vertical fin is added. If the airplane is to provide maximum utility, it must be safely controllable to the full extent of these limits without exceeding the pilot's strength or requiring exceptional flying ability. Service people should be certain to wash dirt, oil, and grease (including lip salves and hair oil) from their hands before working around oxygen equipment. the programs based on user comments. + Fifth Grade Activity. ICAO Aviation English, English for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, Technicians and Mechanics, and English for Flight Attendants are available in Taipei, Tainan and Kaosiung. The site has been developed to support Section Dynamic stability is the overall tendency that the airplane displays after its equilibrium is disturbed. Alternators produce sufficient current to operate the entire electrical system, even at slower engine speeds, by producing alternating current, which is converted to direct current. + Bottle Rocket Activities It tends to prevent ground looping (swerving) by providing more directional stability during ground operation since the airplane´s center of gravity (CG) is forward of the main wheels. Exposure to wind blasts and extremely cold temperatures are other hazards one might have to face. Professional language training for aviation careersCall us for a free telephone consultation: +852 8179 9295, Several courses are pre-approved as re-imburseable under the HKSAR government's MATF programme. They had a _______________ about negative static stability. Except for the Code of Federal Regulations pertinent to civil aviation, most of the knowledge areas applicable to pilot certification are presented. When the airplane rolls back toward level flight in response to dihedral effect, it rolls back too far and sideslips the other way. Circuit breakers have the same function as a fuse but can be manually reset, rather than replaced, if an overload condition occurs in the electrical system. The controller didn’t _______________ to her request for help. The rudder, the yoke, and radio communications are three basic yet major components of flight. We respect your email privacy, Basic Aeronautical Knowledge Certificate Programme, Essential English for Airport Service Providers & Agents, AEROSTA Framework Airline Pilot Language Test, AEROSTA Framework Cadet Pilot Language Test, AEROSTA Framework Aircraft Maintenance Language test. Since several types of hydraulic fluids are commonly used, make sure your airplane is serviced with the type specified by the manufacturer. In other words, the airplane is more efficient at a high altitude. The first system directs a flow of alcohol to the windscreen.


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