Not human feelings, certainly, but they have life and they symbolize—every single one of them—the life of Jesus Christ. The lambs' blood is placed on the doorposts of their houses as a sign that Israelites live in those homes. On the 14th day at twilight (just after sundown as the 14th began), they killed the lamb, putting its blood on the doorpost and lintel of their homes. Then they roasted and ate the lamb. He could not have paid the penalty for our sins by dying any way other than by execution. What the Bible says about So as we drink of the cup of the Master, we should understand that it is a wonderful "cup of blessing," thanksgiving, and praise that we offer to God as we drink it! By the use of the blood of the sacrificial lamb, God was about to make a final, absolute distinction between these two nations that would never be forgotten. They put the lambs’ blood on their doors. Psalm 16:5 says, "O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; you maintain my lot." The passover had nothing with witches and wizards passing over the houses of the children of Israel that night: it was not even the devil who was passing over the children of children, but wrath and judgement of God: “For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you” (Exo 12:23). When the Pentecostals shout and command the devil’s and witches to see the blood of Jesus and passover, they err in the first place by not understanding that it had nothing to do with the passing over of witches and wizards, as we have explained above; and when they preach and proclaim their passover crusades and meeting, where they anoint people with the oil so the forces of darkness for that month will passover, do they also teach men that the Passover was restricted in design and application only to the congregation of Israel, and not to the Egyptians? God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7). When men, especially the Pentecostals, speak of the passover blood, they tend to make it universal, by which they try to induce men to belief that the blood of Jesus Christ was shed universally for all; this is a lie. The plagues God meted upon the land of Egypt and its people were just as much attacks on her idols and lifestyle as they were punishments for the sins of her people. How many animals had to give their lives to make a witness, an example of that? Paul refers to this when he tells the church in II Corinthians 11:2: "For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. The king of Egypt still wanted the Israelites for slaves. Most of them had small herds and flocks—just a few sheep and lambs. Painting blood onto their door frames signified their faith in God's warning and marked them out from the pagan Egyptians; when the Angel of Death passed through Egypt he would pass over the doors marked with blood (hence the name, "Passover") without killing the firstborn males who lived within those houses. 5. Then the Egyptians went after them. In chapter 3, Christ is far greater than Moses. It must be emphasized that our obedience is not for the purpose of saving us—salvation is by grace—but to assist us in perfecting holiness (II Corinthians 7:1) and to provide a witness of God working in our lives (Matthew 5:16). We drank from the cup of Babylon by ingesting a false religion and the culture around us that God says is filthiness (Revelation 17:1-6; 18:1-6). When the bride drank of the cup, she drank of the marriage covenant or contract, accepting it. If we fail to comprehend its meaning, we are much more likely to treat His death unworthily. In some sacrifices, the priest sprinkled the blood onto the person making the sacrifice. and 2) Are we obeying God to the best of our understanding? They killed and ate something that was very close to them—something that they had treated like part of the family. And none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning. Exodus 12:3 – “Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house.” According to this passage, the command to take a lamb was not given to everyone in Egypt but only to all the congregation of Israel. The overall theme of Hebrews can be described by such words as better, superior, greater. child would "Passover" there door if they did as they were 1. Sin cannot be forgiven until someone pours out his blood to cover the transgression. In chapter 7, we find a comparison with the Melchizedek priesthood and the Levitical priesthood. Prepare to Meet Your God! He wanted to make the point to all that each person is responsible for the death of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ! 2. (From Forerunner Commentary). Even the king’s oldest son died. They are both vital parts of the process of sanctification leading to salvation. Already a member? This example clearly connects the use of hyssop and clean water for cleansing. This guilty feeling is not really wrong, for without guilt we would not change. It was a symbolic betrothal or engagement of the church, the Israel of God, to Christ. The economy of the nation was largely in shambles. Holy Days: Passover. Over the years, some have suggested that hyssop contains valuable antiseptic or cleansing properties that would "disinfect" the contaminated person or his possessions. We must now unconditionally reject it, empty it, discard it, and replace it totally in favor of the new cup of blessing from God. They obeyed him. This is part of what we commemorate with each Passover service—our spiritual engagement to Christ, which will culminate with the marriage feast after He returns (Revelation 19:9). Paul says, "We cannot drink of the Lord's cup and of the cup of demons" (I Corinthians 10:21). Painting blood onto their door frames signified their faith in God's warning and marked them out from the pagan Egyptians; when the Angel of Death passed through Egypt he would pass over … And you shall take a bunch of hyssop, dip it in the blood [of the Passover lamb] that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. In Numbers 19, Moses gives instructions for one who is unclean due to touching a dead body. The sickness passed over the houses with blood on the door. Though Pilate literally washed his hands of the whole affair by saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. When we commemorate this in our Passover service, we are also drinking from the cup of Christ, blessed by our Savior. Today, psychologists are trying to remove guilt from our every thought, word, and deed—a sure sign of widespread spiritual poverty and complacency. What do most world religions have in common? By being used in the worship of manmade deities, not the Creator God, the rituals of their shrines were completely divorced from the truth found in the law. Top subjects are History, Literature, and Law and Politics. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. (The Book of Amos) (Part Two), The Offerings of Leviticus (Part Seven): The Sin and Trespass Offerings, The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Eighteen). We do not just drink the wine at Passover—we drink "of the cup" of Passover, meaning we are proclaiming our willingness to share in similar trials as Jesus did. Not fallen man, for in his fallen state, the thought of his own salvation does not enter his mind; he cannot conceive of it in his depraved mind. If she did not, no marriage would take place.


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