Select a specific music learning objective to work on. Home > Musical Modes > Harmonic Minor Scale Modes > Ionian #5 Mode > C Ionian #5, A   Acoustic Scale | Aeolian | Aeolian b5 | Aeolian #3 | Aeolian Major 3rd | Aeolian Major 7th | Aeolian Natural 7 Melodic Minor b13 | Melodic Minor Scale | The following chords are the most important four note chords of this scale: Cmaj7 (I7): C-3, E-3, G-3, B-3 Dmin7 (ii7): D-3, F-3, A-3, C-4 Emin7 (iii7): E-3, G-3, B-3, D-4 Fmaj7 (IV7): F-3, A-3, C-4, E-4 Gdom7 (V7): G-3, B-3, D-4, F-4 Amin7 (vi7): A-3, C-4, E-4, G-4 Bmin7b5 (viiø7): B-3, D-4, F-4, A-4 We publish free piano lessons and tips. Scale | Diminished Scale | Diminished Pentatonic Scale | Major b6 Pentatonic Scale | Major Pentatonic Scale | Major Scale | Major Scale Modes | Man Gong | Melodic Minor (Descending) Scale | Melodic Minor b6 | Join with the Holiday Discount! Scale Modes | Hindu Scale | Hungarian Minor The more you practice the Connecting Modes Exercise, the more comfortable you will be improvising on any note of the C Scale. I’m a big fan of simplicity, so  here you go. | Super Lydian | Suspended Pentatonic Do you want to learn how to effectively practice your scales so that you can play jazz piano? To practice your scales for jazz piano, you must understand your music “modes”. Scale   O   Other Complete Beginner: You have never played piano or are just starting your learning journey. Learn how to play the classic Christmas song Winter Wonderland in a jazz piano style. Become a better piano player today. D is the submediant. C Ionian #5 Mode. Piano Scales | Pomeroy Scale | Pure Minor Scale   R   Ravel Scale | Relative Minor Scale | Ritusen Scale | Romanian Minor Scale   S   Scales (other) | Scales and Modes | Scottish Pentatonic | Six Tone Symmetrical | Spanish Gypsy Scale | Spanish Phrygian Scale | Super Locrian | Super Locrian bb7 | Super Locrian Natural 5 I call this the Mode Connecting Exercise: The Mode Connecting Exercise is an exercise where you play each mode up and down the piano, connecting each mode to the next with a “chromatic connector”. C aeolian mode. If you don’t know your major scales, you can learn all of them in our Level 1 Foundations Learning Track. For example, if you play a C Major scale starting on a the D, you have what is called D Dorian: If you play the C Major Scale starting on E, you have an E Phrygian Scale: If you play the C Major Scale starting on F, you have an F Lydian Scale: If you play the C Major Scale starting on G, you have an G Mixolydian Scale: If you play the C Major Scale starting on A, you have an A Aeolian Scale: If you play the C Major Scale starting on B, you have an B Locrian Scale: Finally, if you play C Scale on the C, you have C Ionian Scale (which is the same scale as a regular C Major Scale): I highly encourage you to play each mode up and down the piano. | Blues Scale (Variation 2) | Blues Scale Here are the first 8 measures: Now that you have the full exercise, you’ll want to gradually increase your speed. We'll cover the left hand accompaniment and beautiful right hand harmonies. This site uses cookies to provide an optimal user experience. In this case, it’s smart to use the upper chromatic connecting to land on the next note. A Aeolian – C Major; A# Aeolian – C# Major; B Aeolian – D# Major; If you already know the Major scales, you can play the relative Aeolian by walking three semi-steps down on the keyboard. The Solution below shows the C aeolian mode notes on the piano, treble clef and bass clef.. | Altered Scale | Arabic Scale | Ascending Melodic Minor Scale | Augmented Scale Smartsheets use the Soundslice sheet music player to give students digital access to all arrangements and lesson sheet music. In other words, if you played the first mode up the piano, C Ionian, you start and end on the C. Now, what if we wanted to connect this to our second mode, D Dorian? | Blues Scale | Blues Scale (Variation 1) The names were taken from regions or people – the Lydians once lived in western Anatolia. Learn a simple approach to play and improvise beautiful piano music right now for beginner and intermediate piano students using only 2 chords! An excellent resource for this is the attached backing tracks, which you can download at the bottom of this page after logging into your membership. Bb is the subdominant. Modes | Harmonic Minor Scale | Harmonic Minor You will use the same fingering as you practice each of the positions of the exercise. Thanks for learning with me, and see you in the next Quick Tip! Melodic Minor Scale Modes | Minor Pentatonic | Minor Scales | Minor Third - Half Step Scale Now that you know your music modes, it’s time to learn the Mode Connecting Exercise. View guided learning tracks for all music styles and skill levels, Complete lessons and courses as you track your learning progress, Engage with other PWJ members in our member-only community forums. Here is a very simple way of playing it using chord shells: If you don’t know your chord shells in all 12 keys, I highly recommend our Chord Shell & Guide Tones course. If you don’t know the C Major Scale, here it is: The C Major scale is all white notes, which makes it easy to play. Augmented Scale | Inverted Diminished Scale | Ionian | Ionian b2 | Ionian b3 | Ionian b6 | Ionian b9 | Ionian b13 | Ionian b2 b6 | Ionian b6 b9 | Ionian b9 b13 | Ionian #5 | Ionian Augmented   J   Jazz Minor Scale | Jazz Minor #4 Scale | Jazz Minor #11 Scale | Jazz Minor Inverse   K   Kumoi Scale   L   Locrian | Locrian b4 | Locrian b11 | Locrian bb7 | Locrian #2 | Locrian #6 | Locrian Diminished 7 | Locrian Natural 2 | Locrian Natural 6 | Locrian Natural 9 | Locrian Natural 13 | Locrian Pentatonic Scale | Lydian | Lydian b2 | Lydian b3 | Lydian b7 | Lydian b9 | Lydian #2 | Lydian #5 | Lydian #9 | Lydian #2 #5 | Lydian #5 #9 | Lydian Augmented | Lydian Augmented #2 | Lydian Augmented #9 | Lydian Diminished | Lydian Dominant


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