Many thanks go to the volunteers who have helped build up a picture of the Curlew in the Brisbane and Redlands bayside areas. It’s tim, READY, SET, CROAK! [1]               Isaacs, Jennifer. Michele Lamberti Numenius arquata. He stayed with us and fed for a week before moving on, but has, with his mate, nested and had chicks in our front garden every year thereafter. And uncomfortable as it is to face, death is perhaps the greatest separation. The Bush Stone-curlew, or Bush Thick-knee, is a large, slim, mainly nocturnal, ground-dwelling bird. It is heart breaking for those kind souls, who care for nature, to see this happening each generation, where we have been so fortunate to interact in a small way, with these beautiful intelligent birds. Information for this article has been gathered from publicly available sources and research undertaken by Griffith University PhD student, Scott O’Keeffe, who is mid-way through a project on urban Bush Stone-curlew ecology. Rendered as weer-lo, it is repeated four or five times, sometimes culminating in a trilled, screeching crescendo. I bought them from Council Buyback in Cairns for $4 each. The Curlew hasn’t slept in our front yard since that incident, but visits every other night and gets fed. Article co-authored by Amanda Maggs, Brisbane City Council and Scott O’Keeffe, Griffith University. They act like a family and stick close together moving ever so slowly if they walk at all – both of this sightings were in daylight hours. The bill is small and black, and the eye is large and yellow, with a prominent white eyebrow. Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland Bayside Branch is seeking interested members of the community to help survey the Curlews in the Bayside area, both on the islands and the main land. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Avoid working within ten metres of a curlew nest. Cairns Council Lawn Mowing guys are aware of the Curlews and take great care with them. We had two Curlews nesting in our car park in Carindale, 4152. Does anyone know the best course of action? Property Profile, Into the Forest, Maleny. The parents came back tonight and are standing at the spot they last saw their dead chick. Sites where the ground is covered with leaves, twigs, sticks, stones or sparse grass are preferred for nesting since curlews rely on camouflaged eggs and cryptic plumage to avoid predators. The Curlew family continue to wander off each night for food elsewhere. One night, not long after we first moved here, I heard the most blood curdling sound coming from one of the birds, as if it was gurgling, I think a domestic cat attacked it and the horrific sound disappeared off into the night. There is really no getting around the fact that these are nocturnal animals that can be noisy at night – maybe a good pair of earplugs? David from Wycheproof used to see Curlews around his place in the past. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to dissuade them? Vacant block – trees and sparse grass – beside me. Thanks in advance all. I’m sure the phone system for them is working perfectly. The Curlew pair I have here go through the same process of eggs to chicks to vanished. Two curlews have been nesting in the park or nearby for the last 12 years that we know of. A mating pair of Curlews (only one year old) have hatched their first pair of chicks, lost them both in storm water drain on consecutive days. Poor Fellow, My Country  Wiki. The other chick wanders off and goes exploring on its own every chance it gets. This courtship ritual is repeated for an hour or more at a time and is accompanied by loud and constant calling. This courtship ritual is repeated for an hour or more at a time and is accompanied by loud and constant calling. They drink from these all the time, bath in them and sit or stand in the water. Very sad. Has been doing this for over a year. Curlews forage at night in open areas such as playing fields, parkland, pasture with low grass, and sometimes mangroves, salt marshes and mudflats. The new pair laid a clutch which have hatched and are now 4 weeks old. Yes we are under seige! Curlews have been observed collecting cigarette butts and surrounded their nests with them. Hi, we have a pair of curlers who have nested on our front naturestrip over the kart few years. Last night I had the chance of recording an overflying stone curlew above my house ,probably in active migration at 04.00 a.m. At times chicks, or an adult have ended up with a broken leg or are squashed flat on the road. We throw out bread for them morning and night but would like to know what else to give them instead of bread, but they do love it. It is preferable not to relocate curlews unless where they are living is about to be cleared. I live on Macleay Island and have done so for nearly 2 years. My friends sister leaves a small ‘pool’ of water out in her back yard – that joins onto an open playground etc area in Cairns north Queensland – and the Curlews use it to bath in, loving to use it each day no matter what seasons are. It really isn’t good for them. The parents come onto the back verandah (crap) and call. They are also found in highly modified environments such as golf courses, rail reserves, roadsides with sparse vegetation, urban parkland and grazing land. They have chosen that site for good reasons. You may have had the briefest glimpse or heard a snatch of its song, or perhaps it was a bird you have never seen before. Thanks for that information. Want to know all about our native birds? Hope I was doing the right thing. “Thancoupie the Potter.”, [2]               Mountford, Charles P. “The Dreamtime.”  and  “The Dawn of Time.”  Reed, A.W. Curlews forage at night in open areas such as playing fields, parkland, pasture with low grass, and sometimes mangroves, salt marshes and mudflats. Stone curlew at night! (1 on each occasion). This is such a typical call from a curlew – how would you interpret curlew calling at your door?! on their nests and their eggs are well camouflaged and can be easily overlooked by gardeners. Curlews will also eat small seeds and fruits. The other family are nesting between our dog fence and property fence which is our path for getting the ride on to the back of the property. So our mob are good here and we won’t tolerate cats in our yard at all. Visit us in Sydney Olympic Park where you can learn about, see and engage with Australian birds up close and personal. This morning, ‘Father’ crossed the road, leaving Mum and chick near my home…. I do admit the screaming in the middle of the night takes a bit to get used to, but once again the headset fixes that! For instance, curlews breed in Brisbane’s Southbank Parklands, despite the constant presence of noisy humans and traffic. I was wondering if there any education initiatives for schools, to bring their awareness to the birds living on the grounds and in the vicinity, its such a busy and noisey area with the school kids and hectic pick up and drop off traffic. We recommend that you don’t try to move these nesting birds. The H.L. A significant proportion of residents deliberately provide food for the curlews, which may be significant enough to increase fitness and therefore survival of chicks and adults. In terms of eggs however there has been some seasons not always, where the mother has laid as many as four eggs and the chicks survived. Hi we just spotted one sitting on eggs in Reedy Creek, Moved to Coochiemudlo Island about 5 months ago.


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