(English translation by Boness A.J. This method applies the concept of sampling-importance-resampling (SIR) (Rubin 1987). Our goal was to considerably improve the forecasting performance of a GBM model using student’s t particle filter, which is heavier tailed than the normal distribution. Ross, S., 2000, Introduction to probability models, 7th edn., Harcourt Academic Press, New York. The descriptive statistics for the five indices of the NSE are given in Table 1. Jarque C.M, Bera A.K., 1980. Table 2 shows the observed values. & Wong, W.H.’, Journal of the American Statistical Association 82, 543–546. Then, based on the formulas for estimating the volatility and mean of the geometic brownian motion, it … Harvey, C.R. Comparing the two models based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC), it is found that the GBM t-distribution model outperforms the GBM normal model for each of the five stocks. Descriptive statistical summary is obtained to view the data for the daily stock prices and returns of all the indices. It is probably the most extensively used model in financial and econometric modelings. https://doi.org/10.1198/016214504000000151, Gordon, N., Salmond, D. & Smith, A., 1993, ‘A novel approach to nonlinear/non-Gaussian Bayesian state estimation’, IEE Proceedings on Radar and Signal Processing 140(2), 107–113. Equation (4) is the asset price model that can predict an asset price at specific time t. We can represent GBM solution as follows: The parameters μ and σ can be estimated using historical data for stock price, bearing in mind that the time difference for data with monthly frequency is . The analytical solution of this GBM is given by: This SDE is principally significant in the modelling of many asset classes. Geometric Brownian motion (GBM), a stochastic differential equation, can be used to model phenomena that are subject to fluctuation and exhibit long-term trends, such as stock prices and the market value of goods. Follow 28 views (last 30 days) Duda R. on 30 Jun 2019. Samuelson (1965) extended the GBM by using the discount rate in pricing. The student’s t GBM model was compared and evaluated with the normal GBM model. Ryan, S.M., 2006, ‘Capacity expansion for random exponential demand growth with lead times’, Management Science 50(6), 740–748. Asset return distributions are frequently presumed to follow either a normal or a lognormal distribution. 17–75). However, many empirical studies have revealed that return distributions are usually not normal. The most used are the normal, the lognormal and the non-Gaussian stable distributions. It became known as the Gaussian distribution. It can also follow GBM based on the Gaussian process. IMSE_CONF Kariya, T., Tsukuda, Y., Maru, J., Matsue, Y. From the corresponding continuous density function of the Wiener process, the natural logarithm of the likelihood function is obtained: The expression is unrelated to the parameters under study within the L(θ). Assuming the historical data is stored in a variable named ‘electricitydata’, the, You may receive emails, depending on your. Thorsen, B.J., 1998, ‘Afforestation as a real option: Some policy implications’, Forest Science 45(2), 171–178. Premaratne, G. & Bera, A.K., 2000, Modelling asymmetry and excess kurtosis in stock return data, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, USA (Working paper). The returns of the five selected indices are negatively skewed, indicating that the returns are flatter to the left compared to the normal distribution. The skewness for both prices and returns is positive, showing that the distribution has a long right tail. The normal distribution is one of the most usually applied distributions. It usually expresses accuracy as a percentage and is defined as follows: The difference between Yt and Ft is divided by the actual value Yt again. G., Sato, S. & Nagahara, Y., 1999, Estimation of the stochastic volatility based upon Non-Gaussian state space model, IMES Discussion Paper Series 98-J-12 (in Japanese). The GBM is one of the most popular stochastic processes and undoubtedly an effective instrument in modelling and predicting the random changes in stock prices that evolve over time. Fama (1965) analysed equilibrium asset pricing and noted that the daily return distribution follows a non-Gaussian distribution. > Although a little math background is required, skipping the […] In this article, we extended our investigations by introducing a GBM model based on the t-distribution–based particle filter to approximate the return distributions of assets and compared the distribution with normal distribution. Applying the Ito’s formula (see Lamberton & Lapeyre 1997) on equation (2) with F(S) = lnS, we obtain the following equation: The stochastic process, as characterised by equation (3), indicates that lnS is normally distributed. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Accurate estimates of the drift rate and volatility are necessary for these models to be useful within quantitative economic decision-making models. ‘Efficient tests for normality, homoscedasticity and serial independence of regression residuals’, Economics Letters 6(3), 255–259. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.80.065102, Godsill, S., Doucet, A. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Croghan, Jakob; Jackman, John K.; and Min, K. Jo, "Estimation of Geometric Brownian Motion Parameters for Oil Price Analysis" (2017). I'm pretty new with MATLAB and having a lot of trouble to figure out some stuff. https://doi.org/10.1111/0022-1082.00247, Heston, S.L., 1993, ‘A closed-form solution for options with stochastic volatility with applications to bond and currency options’, The Review of Financial Studies 6(2), 327–343. This class of parametric models has been extensively used to portray the dynamics of financial variables, including stock prices, interest rates and exchange rates. Shimada, J. For him, the return rates, instead of the stock prices, follow the GBM (Piasecki 2006). 2018; Published: 21 Feb. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1081/SAC-200055729. & Tsukuda, Y., 2005, ‘Estimation of stochastic volatility models: An approximation to the nonlinear state space representation’, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 34, 429–450. Kitagawa, G., 1996, ‘Monte Carlo filter and smoother for non-Gaussian nonlinear state space models’, Journal of Computational and Graphical. The plots show that the GBM student’s t–based particle filter estimate (red line) and the actual volatility (black line) lie close to each other compared to the GBM normal estimate (blue line). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02425229, Kim, J. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.44.12.1650, Theodossiou, P., 2000, Skewed generalized error distribution of financial assets and option pricing, School of Business, Rutgers University, New Jersey, Newark. https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.29.2.294. The study revealed that the student’s t GBM performed better than the normal GBM in estimating both the volatility and the parameters of the model. Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . noted, the parameters that need to be optimised are θ … Fama, E., 1965, ‘The behaviour of stock market prices’, Journal of Business 38, 34–105. Relatively high volatility means that the stock price varies continuously within relatively large intervals. The evaluation statistics are calculated to compare the fit of distributions. This work presented an extension of the random noise process, dBt, in the GBM model from normal to student’s t-distribution. In IISE Annual Conference. The notation dt is an infinitely approaching 0 time difference between time points t and t - 1 and the last term involves random dBt ~ N(0, dt) increment to Brownian motion process. A stochastic process St is said to follow a geometric Brownian motion (GBM) if it satisfies the above SDE. Tan, K., 2005, ‘Modeling returns distribution based on radical normal distributions’, Journal of the Society for Studies on Industrial Economies 46(3), 449–467. The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) seems to be the most widely used to evaluate the forecasting method that considers the effect of the magnitude of the actual values. As in a typical structural model, let us consider a firm with its value of the asset Vt following a GBM: where μ and σ are drift and volatility parameters to be estimated.


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