Our laying hens roam free, scratch through the soil and vegetation, dust bathe, and lay some delicious eggs! 350 Donlands Ave. Toronto M4J 3S1 416-422-FARM (3276) info@freshfromthefarm.ca. Our hens enjoy life in small family flocks and not a single pasture raised hen — whether they lay our organic, original, duck or soy-free eggs — ever receives antibiotics or hormones. Whatever your reason, we have pasture raised hens who are as free from soy as they are free to roam. Take a look at this short video to see exactly how our hens are raised: Thanks for reading. Duck eggs give cakes extra loft, make treats richer and the larger whites mean extra protein — which is why they’re not only a hit with bakers, but also with the fitness and dieting crowd. Generally speaking, pasture raised eggs come from hens with access to pastures outdoors. Pickup is easy. Our eggs are abundant in the following health-promoting nutrients: We encourage you to purchase from local and regional farms where you can visit and see for yourself how your eggs are raised. There are several drawbacks from a financial standpoint to raising chickens this way, but our chickens are extremely healthy, eat a huge variety of food, and we believe that makes a much better egg. The door has a light sensor on it, so at first light, the door opens, and at sunset, it closes. Raised in small flocks on farms in Ontario, our pasture-raised organic eggs come from hens that spend time outside, foraging on organically-managed pasture. That’s above the industry standard. Picking up a carton in the store labeled “free-range” is not always what you would think. We have designed portable hen houses to provide shelter for our laying hens. Most pickup locations are members who host at their home. No chicken should ever be forced to live its entire life in a cage. Many people are familiar with the brand Mary’s Free Range Chickens. Years ago we found a small farm selling truly pasture raised eggs. The term free range has lost all meaning. Providing Toronto with flavourful meats and pastured eggs raised without drugs or hormones by Ontario Mennonite and Amish farmers. Pennsylvania State University proved it: Researchers found that one egg from a pasture raised hen contains 2x the omega-3 fat, 3x more vitamin D, 4x more vitamin E and 7x more beta-carotene than one egg from a hen raised on traditional feed. Every single day without exception, they are outside for the full length of the day. To facilitate online ordering, we have listed our products as "per pack" pricing. That's what started Betsy and I down the path of starting TC Farm and raising chicken, beef, pork and awesome deli products. Rotated frequently to fresh pasture. THE WORLD’S STANDARD WE CHOOSE TO SURPASS. Currently our demand exceeds our inventory, so we will not be offering eggs for sale again until our young chickens begin laying in a few months. Supplemented with GMO & Soy FREE feed. As simple as that sounds, it was truly divine. And don’t get me started on cage-free eggs. On pasture. Pasture-raised eggs is not a term regulated by the USDA. These shelters give the hens safe roosting space at night, plenty of nesting space, a constant supply of fresh water, and access to as much pasture as they like. For more information about pickups, click here. Your desire to care for the earth and every being on it is why we’re committed to sustainable farming, the humane treatment of animals, small family farms and bringing you pasture raised eggs. This is because animals at pasture may eat grain supplements. This varies by location and members can often arrange for different times to pickup. Our hens are selected for quality, not quantity, Orange yolks in summer and impressive winter eggs. And they are indeed something special. We realized if an egg could feel so nourishing and taste so good, what else were we missing out on? They have a chicken coop that they sleep in. Pasture Raised Eggs. Although you can’t get fancy paperwork saying you eat only organic, our hens can — and do.


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