He was not in favor of imparting many parts of ancient Greek literature — including Homer (700 B.C.) Education is the key to Plato’s scheme of a just and virtuous society. Plato has discussed the concept of education … PLATO promotes philosophy classes for all K-12 students, including those in classrooms least likely to have access to academic enrichment programs. It was a life of solitude and bliss. Share Your Essays.com is the home of thousands of essays published by experts like you! 4. – Explained! Plato’s Scheme of Education: Plato was of the opinion that education must begin at an early age.In order to make sure that children study well, Plato insisted that children be brought up in a hale and healthy environment and that the atmosphere implant ideas of truth and goodness.Plato believed that early education must be related to literature, as it would bring out the best of the soul. Copyright 10. They are expressed through activities. Bringing together the education and philosophy communities, PLATO celebrates diversity within the philosophy classroom and endorses a wide variety of philosophical approaches and methods. Plato’s uniform pattern of education is contrary to human psychology. Plato’s Fifth Stage of Education. This is the time for the most practical education and training. Plato’s Fourth Stage of Education. Welcome to Shareyouressays.com! Plato in his Republic has opined that latent potentialities of an individual can only be discovered when they function in human mind. ‘The Laws’ was the creation of an old conservative and reactionary. plato -ii (theory of education (plato is scheme of education: (1st stage…: plato -ii (theory of education, philosophic absolutism (pk), life cycle of a ideal state, plato's 2nd best state, theory of communism, criticism of plato) According to their native powers the students were engaged in different activities. Plato’s Seventh Stage of Education. Plato fifth stage of education is from thirty to thirty-five years of age. 7 Important Ideas of Plato’s Scheme of Education are described below: 1. At this period the talented persons used to devote themselves to the study of purely abstract and intellectual ideas. The latter again was divided into music and literature. During first stage, he insists on study of music and gymnastics which are hardly capable of developing thinking capacities among the youngsters. Education begins at the age of 5. Disclaimer Copyright. Plato, deliberately, withholds the study of dialectic to this late age. It was ‘The Laws’. After devoting major part of his life to education alone, the rulers are hardly left with any time to devote for other pursuits, neglect of which may endanger their life prospects. At this stage one is ready to become a ruler or a philosopher. He opined that in the earliest stage of education the practical aspect of music should be imparted. Now he is ready to return to practical life to take command in war and hold such offices of state as befits a young man. Those who were better gifted continued education till the age of 35. Content Guidelines 2. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Plato’s scheme of education consists of 30 years (5-35). Plato’s plea for censorship of artistic and poetic works is highly objectionable. Plato’s Sixth Stage of Education. It was a period of dialectic training. Plato’s Seventh Stage of Education.This stage comes after fifty years of age. Education in Plato’s ideal state is an essential Instrument to realize justice. This means that potentialities are discovered through experiences and self-expression. Plato’s sixth stage of education is from thirty-five to fifty years of age. It was one of the aims of Greek liberal education. They would discover the universal truth and knowledge. Sabine says that state-directed education scheme of Plato is perhaps the most important innovation. TOS4. Privacy Policy 8. Publish your original essays now. If the character of the people is sound, laws are unnecessary; if unsound, laws are useless. Education provided at this stage is of general type. The curriculum of this early period of education consists of general courses in gymnastics and music. Thus, he will attain to that which is the highest for himself and accomplish the most for society. Plato’s Sixth Stage of Education. He makes no provision for technical and vocational education. The Aristotelian scheme of education is composed of elements drawn chiefly from Athenian education and is similar in many respects to that of Plato. Image Guidelines 5. At this stage children should be educated by their mother or nurse in the house. His dialogues contain the chief exposition of the Socratic method. It brings harmony of the soul. Disclaimer 9. This depends on the native endowment and inherited powers of the individual. This training continued for ten years and at the age of thirty another selection was made. in Plato’s second stage of education prolongs until the age of seventeen. It elevates the moral life of man. — because of their ‘immoral’ character. Consequently, despite the impracticability of the scheme, the Republic must be considered as one of the most important educational treatises ever written. The 3rd stage used to begin at the age of 20. Plato has reckoned different stages of life and has prescribed proper education for these periods. Privacy Policy3. Plato’s scheme of education is a lifelong process. Plato’s Third Stage of Education. Regarding literature, Plato had a very narrow conception.


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