1952. If a man on a bicycle stands still he tumbles. But the emphasis is here laid on "morning" rather than on "star." Christ is preeminent in His titles. )Sins of omissionJ. Hyatt.I. Mitchell, M. A.Alas for our many inconsistencies, our varied imperfections; alas for the mischief they do to our own souls and to the cause of Christ everywhere! And if you saw this same man set fire to the pile, and when it was lighted, throw himself upon it, what would you say? Burnet, M. The capacity men have, and the indispensable obligation they are under, to hearken to and obey what God delivers to them.I. We do not need to ask for a Christ of higher endowments and larger resources; it is enough for us to hold fact the Christ we have already, "who of God is made unto us, wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption." 20). And this is opposed to those who turn round and go back, or who turn aside and go astray. In the words of Milton, it "flames in the forehead of the morning sky." Some call time the measure of duration; others the succession of ideas, pearls strung upon a golden thread. If they are not cultivated then their results of "service" (or "ministry") and patience are sure to become less and less. There is nothing which does the devil's work half so well as the unholy life combined with great profession.(W. They desire to persevere. It was what they were-not doing that made up the Lord"s objection to them; they were right affirmatively but wrong negatively. Is He the Mediator? "I will give him the morning star," that is, I will give Myself to him, the light of life, the light that breaks upon the world after a night of darkness and tempest. It says, Night is done: day is coming; the sun is about to rise. (1)Attentiveness or consideration. Cairns, D. D.)The morning starH. The other phrase in the text, "He that hath an ear," signifies he that hath understanding, that hath ability, that hath capacity to apprehend what is spoken (Matthew 19:12). At one instant the victors are fighting, at the next they are partaking of the Tree of Life. Secondly, have we obtained justifying grace? in his works how dutiful! "I will give him the morning star." Is He the Saviour? He speaks to the overcomers. There is a contaminating influence in doctrinal error.III. Such efforts are made by the world. (2)Of vain pretensions. 1871-8. (2)Prejudice or prepossession. He speaks of the morning star. But the hour of doom nevertheless came. ad Attic. He has been a giver from the first.3. But all the other promises deal not with something in the remoter future, but with something that begins to take effect the moment the dust, and confusion, and garments rolled in blood, of the battle-field, are swept away. They are believed because they are inscrutable, and on that account require a large measure of faith. The mariner does not throw away the little light which shines upon him from the polar star, but retains it in his eye till it has guided his vessel into port. DIVINE PATIENCE SPARES FOR A SEASON THE MOST ABANDONED AND GUILTY CHARACTERS. 1. Christian excellence is an attainment that will be placed BEYOND DANGER AT THE ADVENT OF CHRIST.1. THE IMPORTANCE OF FIRMLY HOLDING THE TRUTH AND GRACE OF CHRIST (ver. The gospel promises the Holy Spirit to help your infirmities, and to make your strength equal to your day.IV. A. They grow, if at all, by fits and starts, after the fashion, say, of a tree that every winter goes to sleep, and only makes wood for a little while in the summer time. THAT, SINCE THE SCRIPTURE ALWAYS EXPRESSLY LAYS THE BLAME UPON MEN'S SELVES, HENCE CONSEQUENTLY ALL THOSE PASSAGES WHEREIN GOD IS AT ANY TIME REPRESENTED AS BLINDING MEN'S EYES, OR CLOSING THEIR EARS, OR HARDENING THEIR HEARTS, OR TAKING AWAY THEIR UNDERSTANDING FROM THEM, MUST OF NECESSITY BE UNDERSTOOD TO BE FIGURATIVE EXPRESSIONS ONLY, not denoting literally what God actually effects by His power, but what by His providence He justly and wisely permits.1. Then there is salvation in no other, "for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."2. Read Revelation 2:5 commentary using A Testimony of Jesus Christ. (1)Of wicked name. Such efforts are made by the world. We may be compromising our high and evangelical principles by unworthy and undignified concession to the errors of others, as effectually as did those deceived Christians of Thyatira; and there will never be wanting a Jezebel or a doctrine which that name will denote to assure us that it is right so to do, and that we thereby gain a universal esteem which will help us to extend our own particular views and influence. Some call time the measure of duration; others the succession of ideas, pearls strung upon a golden thread. "Hold fast." And then the text still further suggests another thought. That is yet to come.(H. Some other expressions of this kind are only applications of prophecies or declarations of certain prophecies being fulfilled (Jude 1:4 1 Peter 2:8). POWER IS IN MANY CASES THE RESULT OF CONQUEST. Is He the Saviour? He never drew a false likeness. The laws of Christ, they are to be held fast, not one forgotten or neglected; the promises of Christ, they are to be held fast, not one forgotten or neglected; the helps of Christ, they are all of them to be held fast, and used in the varied and continued necessities of this mortal life of temptation.


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