ESMA has developed a set of securitisation disclosure templates to improve and standardise the information made available to investors, potential investors and competent authorities. The application of the Regulation to legacy transactions has also arisen in the context of the upcoming retiring of LIBOR. In the absence of regulatory guidance, the market has tried to apply a common sense approach to the application of the Regulation to legacy transactions that are subject to material changes. The Regulation defines a tranche as a “a contractually established segment of credit risk associated with an exposure or pool of exposures, where a position in the segment entails a risk of credit loss greater than or less than a position of the same amount in another segment”. This increases the operational complexity of compliance as well as the cost. Such payments will be treated as dependent if there is a direct correlation between payments made by obligors in relation to the underlying exposure or pool of exposures and payments made to ‘investors’ (including lenders and buy side entities) under the transaction documents. Stakeholders with questions which are not addressed in this document are invited to submit their question(s) to ESMA through its dedicated Q&A tool. Although the EU Securitisation Regulation (the Regulation) has been in force since 1 January 2019, the delayed adoption and implementation of the Delegated Regulations and Regulatory Technical Standards and the absence of meaningful regulatory guidance have created challenges for market participants in implementing the requirements. Cross-Border Trade Receivables Securitisation – Opportunity Awaits. Register with us FREE David Barton This follows the publication of seven technical standards implementing the Securitisation Regulation in the Official Journal of the European Union. Does the entity have adequate corporate governance arrangements and responsible decision makers with the required experience to enable the entity to pursue the established business strategy? ], is tranched” and has all of the following characteristics: It is possible that some of these issues and uncertainties will be addressed in future regulatory guidance or through the European Securities and Markets Authority’s (ESMA) Q&A process. All rights reserved. Although there is a carve out for specialised lending (i.e., transactions involving physical assets meeting certain criteria), the broad and unwieldy definition of ‘securitisation’ means that the Regulation captures transactions which do not look or feel like a securitisation in the traditional sense (e.g., certain loan-on-loan transactions). Already registered? In loan-on-loan transactions, arrangement fees, which are not dependent on the performance of the underlying loans, have been treated as alternate income. ESMA has developed a set of securitisation disclosure templates to improve and standardise the information made available to investors, potential investors and competent authorities. Institutional investors are required to verify that: (a) the RRE complies with the risk retention requirement; (b) the Transparency Requirements have been complied with; and (c) the originator or original lender (assuming they are not credit institutions or investment firm) has complied with the Credit Granting Requirements. Reed Smith Client Alerts. and unlock access to three FREE PDF downloads per month © 2020 Reed Smith LLP. Winterfeldt represents investment banks and corporate issuers worldwide in securities transactions, The firm is noted for its finance and litigation services, on behalf of commodities, trade, insurance, and shipping clients, 11 February 2020 What does this mean for investors (Article 5)? In practice, a careful legal analysis of the specific terms of the transaction documentation (including the waterfall provisions and/or the presence of a proceeds deed (where applicable)) is required to determine whether the contractual provisions have the effect of subordination. Authors: Simon Hugo 6 June 2019 – Policy Statement (PS19/15) ESMA has published guidance on how to fill in the disclosure templates in its Q& A Document on Securitisation Topics. It is hoped that a sensible outcome will be reached. retail investors can only invest in a securitisation if (a) a suitability assessment has been performed by the seller; (b) the seller concludes that such an investment is suitable; and (c) the amount invested by the retail investors is subject to certain caps. Stakeholders with questions which are not addressed in this document are invited to submit their question(s) to ESMA through its dedicated, For additional information about the securitisation Regulation, please visit, ESMA is an authority of the European Union, EU Acts and National Competent Authorities, ESMA publishes updated Q&As on securitisation topics and Guidelines on Portability of Information between Securitisation Repositories, esma33-128-1001_final_report_guidelines_on_portability_of_information_between_securitisation_repositories.pdf, ESMA receives securitisation repository registration application, ESMA provides updated XML schema and reporting instructions for securitisation reporting, ESMA publishes Guidelines on Securitisation Repository Data Completeness and Consistency Thresholds, esma33-128-1217_final_report_guidelines_on_securitisation_repository_data_completeness_and_consistency_thresholds.pdf, ESMA updates its Questions and Answers on the Securitisation Regulation, esma33-128-563_questions_and_answers_on_securitisation.pdf, ESMA extends consultations response dates, ESMA’s supervision focuses on outstanding credit ratings, data quality and third country CCPs, esma71-99-1287_esma_supervision_wp_2020.pdf, ESMA consults on the use of No Data options in securitisation reporting, esma71-99-1275_esma_cp_on_secrep_data.pdf, ESMA updates its Q&As on the Securitisation Regulation. Furthermore, it has often been difficult to understand how to complete the relevant data fields for a given transaction or to determine whether it is even relevant. the originator, sponsor and SSPE in an STS securitisation transaction must be established in the EU;, only true sales are eligible for inclusion (and so synthetic securitisations and commercial mortgage backed securities transactions are excluded);, the transaction must be backed by pools of exposures that are homogeneous in asset type, and must not include transferable securities (other than certain types of corporate bonds);, clear specification requirements must be met for the relevant transaction documentation and obligation to provide a precise liability cash flow model to potential investors; and. Leon Stephenson In the meantime, each transaction should be assessed against the securitisation definition on a case-by-case basis applying a common sense and risk based approach. The specific eligibility criteria for STS securitisation transactions include: Originators and sponsors will be required to jointly notify ESMA that a securitisation meets the STS requirements. The Regulation imposes direct obligations on the originator, original lender or sponsor (the risk retention entity or RRE) (depending on the nature of the transaction, this may be the note issuer, the borrower, the sell side entity, a related entity or another qualifying entity). Sarah Caldwell


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