"We don’t mind suffering until the tourism crisis is over, but selling our camels means destroying our lives permanently.". The monastery is also especially dedicated to the holy prophets Moses and Elias, who both came to this mountain, and who both spoke with Christ at the Transfiguration. the Lord Jesus be willing to die for the truth, if necessary, as many have in the past and many are dying now. Our mailing address is: David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. Daniel Greenfield, Jihad Watch® is a registered trademark of Robert Spencer in the United States and/or other countries - Site Developed and Managed by Free Speech Defense. You’re now subscribed to Al-Monitor. But here no one even paid us a visit, not even the Tourism Ministry and the Tourism Development Department.". We are saddened to lose the income we shared with the Bedouin community.". It is considered wise policy to avoid visiting the Monastery on its official feastdays, as it is closed to the general public. Please note: I do *not* blame the monks for using whatever methods they could to try to survive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Sinaiticus#Discovery, See the text and Codex at http://www.codexsinaiticus.org/en/, On the monastery, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Catherine%27s_Monastery, BTW Wiki currently states that “… Greek Orthodoxy is a term referring to the body of several Churches within the larger communion of Eastern Orthodox Christianity…” Quick View. But his life and future plans were gradually destroyed by several factors: deteriorating tourism conditions since 2011, the monastery's closure last month and, finally, the sale of his only camel. The Monastery of Saint Catherine has an extensive project in retrieving text from palimpsests. Enter your email address to subscribe. More recently, it has been known as Saint Catherine’s Monastery. The monastery was targeted last April, when unknown gunmen opened fire on an Egyptian police checkpoint guarding it, killing one policeman and wounding four. There are two ways to ascend: the historic one (6th century) and the newer one (19th century), setting out on the north-eastern side of the Holy Monastery. It is already wiped out in Iraq and Libya and in a lesser extent in Syria and it is being done with the support of the US and Nato who are always, in one way or another, directly or in directly supporting of various kinds of islamic jihadists and islamic terrorist groups. On all other days, the monastery is open between 09:00 and 11:30. Jamie Glazov I’m pretty sure St. Catherine’s is Greek Orthodox, not Coptic Orthodox. [This amount was] covered when I worked every day, giving rides and tours to visitors of the monastery," said Mousa, who has worked tirelessly since his father's death to save extra money for his marriage. So–if you offer support, please be general and avoid direct criticism of the Egyptian authorities or of Islam. The monastery's administration told Al-Monitor that it operated at full capacity between 2004 and 2011, receiving 4,000 visitors — mostly foreign tourists — five days a week. I hope that I have the right attitude. That would be about as useful as sending them teddy bears and lighting a few candles. Over the past 50 years, St. Catherine's Monastery closed its gates twice, in 1977 when former President Anwar Sadat made his historic visit to Jerusalem, and in 1982 when the Egyptian military entered Sinai after the withdrawal of Israeli forces. As a rule, the Holy Monastery is closed on Fridays, on Sundays, as well as during the important feastdays of the Greek Orthodox Church. They do not care about tomorrow, they have children without measure, without family planning, without the girls having the freedom to choose another life besides being mothers and praying five times a day. A couple of weeks prior, he sold his camel after he could no longer buy it food. Wiki tells the history how the largest part was transported by the German Biblical scholar Constantin von Tischendorf acting for Tsar Alexander II of Russia. After this initial course, one must continue on foot, up the steep steps that lead to the holy summit. All rights reserved. Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts. Turkey: Will the Abuses against Historic Churches Ever End. Enter your email address to subscribe. On account of the great altitude of the site one must take into consideration the great temperature differences between the hours of day and night. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Muslims are going to exterminate all living beings that they consider “kfir”. Images on this blog are copyright to their respective owners. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. © 2020 Al-Monitor, LLC. Right? But as long as the Islamists go raging through the Sinai, there will be no peace. Deals with the story of a robust Christ Jesus, and the Roman tribune who paid tribute to him…. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2018/01/08/qaddafi-son-saif-al-islam-launches-presidential-bid-in-libya/. (..Christianity will be wiped out in the ME and NA..). Akin to the rest of Sinai's Bedouin communities, and despite being a bustling, internationally known tourist destination, residents of St. Catherine's have no other sources of income and their infrastructure remains considerably substandard, even non-existent. Robert Spencer in FrontPageMag Hugh Fitzgerald I am concerned about a “mysterious fire” there too. Here’s an ugly bit of history–it was St. Catherine’s Monastery that, in desperation, forged a covenant of protection they claimed to have received from the “Prophet” Muhammad himself. This website is in English, so they likely can either read English or else have translation software.


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