xx. Only one compound of hydrogen and fluorine is known, namely hydrofluoric acid, HF or H 2 F 2, which was first obtained by C. Scheele in 1771 by decomposing fluor-spar with concentrated sulphuric acid, a method still used for the commercial preparation of the aqueous solution of the acid, the mixture being distilled from leaden retorts and the acid stored in leaden or gutta-percha bottles. For certain concentrated solutions the transport number is found to be greater than unity; thus for a normal solution of cadmium iodide its value is I 12. It may be prepared by dissolving the metal, its oxide, hydroxide, or carbonate in dilute hydrochloric acid, or by mixing concentrated solutions of magnesium sulphate and common salt, and cooling the mixture rapidly, when the less soluble sodium sulphate separates first. Cadmium sulphate, CdSO 4, is known in several hydrated forms; being deposited, on spontaneous evaporation of a concentrated aqueous solution, in the form of large monosymmetric crystals of composition 3CdSO 4.8H 2 O, whilst a boiling saturated solution, to which concentrated sulphuric acid has been added, deposits crystals of composition CdSO 4 4H 2 0. in Venetia, Emilia, the Marches, Umbria and Tuscany the proportion of concentrated population is only from 40 to 55%; in Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy the proportion rises to from 70 to 76%; in southern Italy, Sicily and Sardinia it attains a maximum of from 76 to 93%. Hydrochloric acid and fused alkalis do not act upon it, but nitric acid and hot, Bodlevski, with his obstinate, persistent, and, A fear unwonted o'er my spirit falls; Man's, The process is continued until all the water in the absorbing vessel has been changed into sulphuric acid, so that a very, Concentrated in a sentence | Short example sentence for concentrated[Class 1-5], Seat in a sentence | Short example sentence for seat[Class 1-5], Synthesize in a sentence | Short example sentence for synthesize[Class 1-5], Handrails in a sentence | Short example sentence for handrails[Class 1-5], Firewater in a sentence | Short example sentence for firewater[Class 1-5], Appeals To in a sentence | Short example sentence for appeals to[Class 1-5], Watching Tv in a sentence | Short example sentence for watching tv[Class 1-5], Darting in a sentence | Short example sentence for darting[Class 1-5], Sloping in a sentence | Short example sentence for sloping[Class 1-5], Affiliated in a sentence | Short example sentence for affiliated[Class 1-5], Unbearable in a sentence | Short example sentence for unbearable[Class 1-5], Satisfying in a sentence | Short example sentence for satisfying[Class 1-5], Explosive in a sentence | Short example sentence for explosive[Class 1-5], Intensity in a sentence | Short example sentence for intensity[Class 1-5], Dramatic in a sentence | Short example sentence for dramatic[Class 1-5], Intensely in a sentence | Short example sentence for intensely[Class 1-5], Emotional in a sentence | Short example sentence for emotional[Class 1-5], Painful in a sentence | Short example sentence for painful[Class 1-5], Extreme in a sentence | Short example sentence for extreme[Class 1-5]. and stores were concentrated at Woolwich, and in 1695 the laboratory was moved hither from Greenwich. Think of the number of products and services that are driven by what I call concentrated attractors - ingredients that, in nature, attract us to what is good for us, but in the economy, are often concentrated to such a degree that they squeeze out almost everything of real value. The return of Berkeley was the beginning of a reaction which concentrated authority, both in the House of Burgesses and in the Council, in the hands of the older families, and thus created a privileged class. It is commonly encountered as concentrated solutions in water or methanol. Visceral commissure reduced; nervous system concentrated on dorsal side of oesophagus. Oil of vitriol is concentrated sulphuric acid. The larger the aperture the smaller are the angles through which it is necessary to deviate from the principal direction in order to bring in specified discrepancies of phase - the more concentrated is the image. In a very dilute solution no appreciable heat is evolved or absorbed when solvent is added, but such heat effects are generally found with more concentrated solutions. The alkaline liquid is now transferred to vacuum pans, constructed in such a manner that the unchanged chloride, which " salts out " during the concentration, can be removed without disturbing the vacuum, and here at last a concentrated pure solution of KOH or NaOH is obtained which is sold in this state, or " finished " as solid caustic in the manner described in the section treating of the Leblanc soda. The troops were concentrated at Wadi Haifa; the railway reconstruction, under Lieutenant E. The army concentrated at Akasha early in June, and on the 6th Kitchener moved to the attack of Firket 16 m. 011 the 25th of January 1899 Colonel Walter Kitchener was despatched by his brother, in command of a flying column of OperatIons 2000 Egyptian troops and 1700 Friendlies, which had In the been concentrated at Faki Kohi, on the White Nile, Sudan, some 200 m. Lord Kitchener concentrated 8ooo men at Kaka, on the river, 380 m. Troops and transport were then concentrated at Faki Kohi, and Colonel Wingate sent with reinforcements from Khartum to take command of the expedition and march to Gedid, where it was anticipated the khalif a would be obliged to halt. After the juice has been defecated or purified by any of the means above mentioned it is sent to the evaporating apparatus, hereinafter described, where it is concentrated to 26° or 28° Beaume, and is then conducted in a continuous stream either into the service tanks of the vacuum pan, if dark sugars are required, or, if a better colour is wanted, into clarifiers. dissolves the most uncrystallizable in preference to that which is most crystallizable sugar," and the patentee speaks of " a discovery I have made that no solution, unless highly concentrated, of sugar in water can without material injury to its colouring-and crystallizing power, or to both, be exposed to its boiling temperature during the period required to evaporate such solution to the crystallizing point.". This is smelted with rich gold ores, notably those containing tellurium, for white metal or regulus; and by a following process of partial reduction analogous to that of selecting in copper smelting, " bottoms " of impure copper are obtained in which practically all the gold is concentrated. This salt is also formed by dissolving tin in strong hydrochloric acid and allowing it to crystallize, and is industrially prepared by passing sufficiently hydrated hydrochloric acid gas over granulated tin contained in stoneware bottles and evaporating the concentrated solution produced in tin basins over granulated tin. 2 shows the lines of force and the plane sections of the equipotential surfaces for a thin magnet with poles concentrated at its ends. Molybdenum monoxide, MoO.n(H 2 O), is a black powder obtained when the dichloride is boiled with concentrated potash solution. A hot, concentrated solution of the alkaline chloride is treated by the electric current in large iron tanks which at the same time serve as cathodes. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Kate sat up fully, her attention now totally concentrated. Pallial cavity transformed into a lung; pedal centres concentrated; a deep pedal groove. What are synonyms for concentrated? It crystallizes in small colourless needles and is easily soluble in water; the concentrated aqueous solution dissolves bromine and iodine readily. , Entirely concentrated on the video game, the Fortnite player was too entranced to hear anything going on around him. As to the detergent action of a soap, Berzelius held that it was due to the free alkali liberated with water; but it is difficult to see why a solution which has just thrown off most of its fatty acids should be disposed to take up even a glyceride, and, moreover, on this theory, weak cold solutions, in which the hydrolysis is considerable, should be the best cleansers, whilst experience points to the use of hot concentrated solutions.


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