Paul does not say, “Grieve not away the Holy Spirit,” as if it’s possible for us, having believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, to live in such a way that the Holy Spirit departs from us. 1870. (present imperative + negative = stop doing this!). I am. The garment of a rotten mouth must be taken off and thrown into the fire, just like the Ephesians had burned their old books on magic in Acts 19:19. ), Luther, Calovius, Raphel, Kypke, Zachariae, Michaelis, Koppe, Rosenmüller, and others, including Rückert, Meier, Matthies, Baumgarten-Crusius: in order that it may afford pleasure, be agreeable, to the hearers. https: All falsehoods and equivocations; all spiteful epithets and vituperation; all envious and vengeful detraction; all phrases which form a cover for fraud and chicanery—are filthy speech, and with such language a Christian's mouth ought never to be defiled. If parents practiced this verse toward their children, we would see few children from Christian homes rebel against their parents. That Divine Spirit pleads with us, and proffers His gifts to us, and turns away—I was going to use too strong a word, perhaps —sick at heart, not because of wounded authority, but because of wounded love and baffled desire to help, when we, in spite of it, will take our own way, neglect the call that warns us of our peril, and leave untouched the gifts that would have made us safe. (Titus 1:12-note). Instead of hurling angry words You can think of more, but here are nine examples of wholesome words: Paul writes (1Th 5:11), “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.” Too often, parents only criticize or correct their kids. It grieves Him to see the believer’s spiritual progress interrupted by sin. It's a great way to start cleaning up our spiritual environment. (9) Deception, lies, and manipulative speech. "Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament". Well, in context, it means don’t become a taker or you have just grieved the Spirit of God who is a giver. 1Pe 2:5, and of the local church in 1Co 3:9; 14:5, 12; Ep 2:21 (noun - oikodome). N.A.S.B. Oh, Paul has left giving Biblical advice and gone to meddling as the old timers used to say. He deserves to be put down!” But, grace is undeserved favor! Sometimes gossip and slander may be true, but the one you’re telling has no need to know the information. The passive voice signifies that subject, believers, are acted upon by an outside force or power, God. 1896. Folks, let me tell you something. You men who are stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears are always resisting (present tense = their habitual practice; Greek = antipipto = literally to fall against, to rush upon in a hostile manner, to resist by force) the Holy Spirit; you are doing just as your fathers did. Paul will also deal with our speech in Eph 4:31 (bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander) and in Eph 5:3-4 (impure speech, coarse jokes). Words can give grace (help) in the sense that they communicate encouragement and direction and thus enable the hearer to do right. ed. Redeem every moment, every word, every conversation.). Once not lying, but now this is any general speech that comes out of our mouth. Perhaps you take down some book of travels, and you forget that you have got a more precious book of travels in the Acts of the Apostles, and in the story of your blessed Lord and Master. (Pr 10:19), Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? Profanity and obscenity, as well as careless or light speech, profane religious and sacred concepts which results in a nullification of sacred ideas conveyed by language, which is man’s most powerful weapon for influencing the thoughts and lives of his fellows [WBC]. D. To build up others, be sensitive to their needs. Believers are to speak good to others to instruct, improve, inform, enlighten and uplift them, especially in the moral and ethical sphere. Once it describes the resurrection body, 2Co 5:1. It needs to be spent in giving forth edifying words and works. Another communications consultant says many people are afraid that honesty in speech will cost them friendships, love, or respect. Years ago I preached a sermon on fellowship and mentioned the usual news, weather, and sports. Think about how you can speak in such a way that will build up your mate. Mr. Ash was about to decline the offer, but his older companion said, "You sure came in the nick of time, Sonny. Pr 18:13 states, “He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him.” To listen well, you’ve got to ask clarifying questions so that you really understand the other person. He is wherever God is working in such a way that he had to get his attention to stop it. He is, remember, the personal pledge of your eventual full redemption. The term for "bad" fruit here is the same word for evil or unwholesome or corrupt in Ephesians 4:29—"Let no evil talk come out of your mouth!" Its opposite is “that which is good to edifying.”, that which, etc. Victor), BUT ONLY SUCH A WORD AS IS GOOD FOR EDIFICATION ACCORDING TO THE NEED OF THE MOMENT: alla ei tis agathon pros oikodomen tes chreias: (Dt 6:6, 7, 8, 9; Ps 37:30,31; 45:2; 71:17,18,24; 78:4,5; Pr 10:31,32; 12:13; 15:2, 3, 4,7,23; 16:21; 25:11,12; Is 50:4; Mal 3:16, 17, 18; Lk 4:22; 1Co 14:19; Col 3:16,17; 4:6; 1Th 5:11) (Ep 4:12,16), But (235) (alla) highlights a dramatic contrasting thought. Atwater responded by saying that he had no intention of responding to a man "hooked up to a jumper cable." Legg. It will be a dead root. (Pdf ). "Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament". Young's For one thing, rotten or corrupt speech can contaminate the thoughts of others. δῷ χάριν. I have heard unthinking people say, “Well, if it is in your heart, you may as well speak it; it is better out than in.” I do not agree with them! 1. (cf Ps 141:3-note). A loving word may heal and bless. All that begins with a decision of your will to memorize and internalize the eternal Word! sapros) means bad, decayed, rotten, and is applied to putrid vegetable or animal substances. That old garment does the damage. The fastest horse cannot catch a word spoken in anger. Ma sent me to see if you needed some drinking water. . Its difficulty probably accounts for the reading πίστεως instead of χρείας in (476)1(477), etc. To even make this point even more emphatically see how our Lord Himself defines "CARELESS" WORDS, "And I say to you, that every careless (argos from a = negative + ergon = work means literally "not working words"!) Compare James 3:5-12. The writer of Hebrews said that mature believers have had their senses "exercised to discern both good and evil" (Heb 5:14-note). The apostle Paul used the word corrupt to describe speech that has the power to tear people down, adults and children alike (Eph. Put on righteous anger, being careful not to let it spill over into sinful anger, which would give Satan a foothold in your life (Eph 4:26-27). . Victor). It cannot be dealt with by inversion as it is put in the AV, “to the use of edifying”; nor as equivalent to “those who have need” (Rück. Paul will also deal with our speech in 4:31 (bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander) and in 5:3-4 (impure speech, coarse jokes). Perhaps the person offered a pat solution to your problem, but it was useless advice because you felt that he didn’t really hear what your need was. If I bless and please the Holy Spirit, then I have just frustrated the unholy spirit. But be swift with words of comfort, Note that the first word in the Greek is "kai" (and) which unfortunately is not translated by the usually relatively literal NASB. Sometimes people use words like that. You have to work, and your work largely consists in yielding yourselves to the work of God upon you. (2) those who have had the misfortune to be familiar with the common conversation of the lower classes in any community, and especially with the conversation of young men, will see the importance of this admonition. Looking back on some of our "fellowship" over the years, much has bordered on the corrupt side of this verse. Paul says that you must use words of edification, “according to the need.” This implies that you are sensitive enough to under-stand what the person’s real needs are. 5:20-21a) “enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying….” Jesus said (Mt.


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