Similarly, a few thousand of them defeated seven hundred thousand Romans, and a small number of Muslims overran the whole land of Iran. Suddenly, the Quraysh man found himself in a cul-de-sac. Let us turn now to the actual issue. ”, Said this while handing over the daughter of Emperor Heraclius who was captured after Battle of Maraj al debaj in which Heraculus’s son-in-law Thomas, was killed in duel with Khalid. Why does revolutionary Iran, which regards itself as the manifestation of Khomeiniʼs political philosophy, flood the Muslim world with literature in which Sayyidina Khalid ibn al Walid radiya Llahu ‘anhu is acrimoniously denounced as “the crippled sword of the devil”? However, it seems when the very same Saif narrates historical material in which the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum are maligned, a blind eye must be turned to his proven mendacity. The point is that they had a great amount of love for din, belief in the Unseen and partiality towards religiousness. What am I waiting for? He has also been proven to be dishonest in his claim to narrating the Maghazi of Ibn Ishaq from Salamah ibn Fadl. Surely, here in the sacred territory, they were safe. Said this to one of his friend few days before he died, four years after dismissal from army. His brisk conquest of the Persian Empire’s Iraq and Roman Syria within 3 years are known as his greatest strategic achievements. These battles also include the ones against the mighty forces of the Byzantine Roman Empire, the Sassanid Persian Empire and their allies. The chain of narration on the authority of which this report reached al Tabari is as follows: Al Tabari — (narrates from) — (Muhammad) ibn Humaid (al Razi )— (who narrates from) — Salamah (ibn al Fadl al Razi) — (who narrates from) — Muhammad ibn Ishaq — (who narrates from)— Talhah ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abdul Rahman ibn Abi Bakr — who says that it used to be Abu Bakr al Siddiq’s instruction to his armies…, This isnad too, is defective and unreliable. His double envelopment maneuver at Walaja to defeat the enemy and his decisive victories at Yamamah, Ullais, and Yarmouk are being known as his greatest tactical achievements. Khalid ibn al Walid radiya Llahu ‘anhu became Muslim before the conquest of Makkah. Q 4: What did the Prophet (SAW) do to those responsible for the death of his beloved ones? Look at the tongue-in-cheek manner in which he writes in his book Kashf al Asrar: The rulers of Islam in those days did not sit in their courts upon silk carpets, because the Prophet of Islam forbade its use. Prior to him accepting Islam, Khalid fought on the side of the Quraysh in the Battle of Uhud and it was his military manoeuvres that led to the deaths of 70 Sahabah. . I declare here and now that I have dedicated my life to the way of Allah, Most High.”, Said this to Abu Ubaidah, after being removed from command by Caliph Umar for no reason. Khalid bin Walid, the man who turned the victory to a near defeat at the Battle of Uhud, was now amongst the Muslim ranks. She was very beautiful. You have killed my son-in-law and captured my daughter. Oh, enemy of Allah! The second problem is with the person who narrates from Saif, namely Shu’ayb ibn Ibrahim. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! As for you, you have not seen or heard the Prophet, but you believe in him in absentia. ”17 Is it in any way acceptable to use information that was handed down by a non-entity such as this to malign a man who was named “the Sword of Allah” by Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam , and who is one of those of whom it was stated in the Qur’an: لَا یَسْتَوِیْ مِنْكُمْ مَّنْ اَنْفَقَ مِنْ قَبْلِ الْفَتْحِ وَ قٰتَلَؕ اُولٓئِكَ اَعْظَمُ دَرَجَةً مِّنَ الَّذِیْنَ اَنْفَقُوْا مِنْ ۢ بَعْدُ وَ قٰتَلُوْاؕ وَكُلًّا وَّعَدَ اللّٰهُ الْحُسْنٰیؕ وَ اللّٰهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُوْنَ خَبِیْرٌ, Those of you who spent (their wealth) before the conquest (of Makkah) are not equal (to the rest). Once he said himself, “there is no part in my body where there is no wound, yet I am dying like an ordinary man.” He stated that his death is like the death of a camel. Sign up here to get the latest news, updates delivered directly to your inbox. He narrates ahadith and historical reports which are uncorroborated to a certain extent, and in which there is an element of prejudice against the Salaf (early Muslims). In the beginning Khalid refused because he felt Thabit was more worthy of leading the army due to his age and service to Islam. His cavalry martyred seventy Companions. “We shall take this route; let not your resolve be weakened. We are told in Sahih Al-Bukhari that our hero used seven swords that all broke in that battle. To Avoid any possible confusion in the army, Khalid Ibn Walid kept the matter in secrecy until victory was achieved. Having swallowed the story about the wife of Malik ibn Nuwayrah hook, line and sinker, they now cannot bear to think of Khalid ibn al Walid except in the vilest of terms. All Rights Reserved. In having the distinction of being undefeated in over a hundred battles against the numerically superior forces of the Byzantine Roman Empire, Sassanid Persian Empire, and their allies, he is regarded as one of the finest military commanders in history. Seeing no way out and the Muslim horsemen almost upon him, he cried, “There is no god but Allah”. (al Hadid: 10). With that Khalid finished off the danger of apostasy and apostates in the Arabian Peninsula.


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