4. Save a slice of cake for me. A. She wrote a letter to her father last evening. 5. 1. Sharda ……….. for Madras this time tomorrow. Answer: (plough) 2. Answer: Convert these sentences as instructed in the brackets. Asha ………… never ………… the Red Fort. Will, have finished C. Some verbs in the following sentences are incorrect. their lives in the earthquake. (d) To express an action which occupied a period of time in the Past, but is now ended. (i) In Negative sentences ‘not is added after ‘shall’/‘wilt as the case may be ; Uma was running to class when she fell down. (b) _______ (ii). 5. will have learnt. For the future planned action, we use : 6. Answers: She is always launching new projects, but she ——————- any. He was a sailor participating in a yacht race. to lay emphasis. (sleep) Examples : 1. had,taken Examples: Will (c) To describe a past experience. 5. The players ………… (warm) themselves up at the moment. They ……………………………. Present Simple 1. They saw African and Asian elephants, hippopotamuses, giraffes and several species of monkeys there. Question 2. We ……….. in the river for three hours before noon. The agent tell him that he would have (c) _______ Mohini ……….. tea when you enter her room. Example: The negative form of the future continuous tense can be written by adding a not after the helping verb. B. 6. He passes in English but fails in Mathematics. 4. (ii) done (iii) We will be having a rich meal The school ……………………………. They have been playing cards since 10 A. M. He has worked in this school for five years, (is still working). (taste). BEGINNER. The patient ……….. before the doctor arrived. 5. Answer: They enjoyed a trip to the zoo in Giza. (sing) was beat up with the sticks. When we ……………… he ……………… the lawn. 3. What was John doing when the bus drove away? 4. (sleep) He took a shortcut and came across floating pieces of garbage that extended over several miles. Sorry, I forgotten the song. Going to The boat will take them to their submarine. Normally we use ‘shall with pronouns of first person (I, We). We use ‘had! Mayank: I have not met her yet. In order to form the Past Perfect Tense we use ‘had’ before the Past Participle (III) form of the Verb. to paid rupees seven lacs. He ……………………………. I have taken the dose of medicine. 4. Exception—I never told a lie. Examples: Spelling Irregular Verbs Can I borrow some money from you? Question 6. Verb to Be 1. Sarthak will be going to the beach next week. 1. IIs/am/are + Subject + (Verb + ing) …. After he had sailed many days, the mariner reached the coast. The picture ……….. by the time we reach the hail. (rise) take them to their submarine. Rearrange the following to make meaningful sentences : 1. 2. C. Choose the appropriate verb form to complete the following sentences. We are going there next week! In the same way, we use ‘will’ with the pronouns of second person (you) and third person (he, she, it, they). Jack cannot come out to play at the moment as he ……………… his homework, (do) 4. (live) (Negative), C. The Future Perfect Tense (i) A habitual action ?) Fill in the following blanks with correct the Present Continuous Tense of the verbs given in brackets : ‘Did’ is also used Jonah looked for his notebook. She ………… to temple every morning. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets. Answer: This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets. She is a famous author. When he resisted, he (c) _______ 3. He left for his native village yesterday. (iii) The patient has died before the doctor came The white rhinoceros ………………………….. (be) asleep when they visited it but the zebras were awake. Ann catched the ball. To form wh – questions, we begin the sentence with the wh – word, followed by a helping verb. English tenses: worksheets, printable exercises pdf, handouts to print. A milliner ……………… ladies’ hats, (sell), The following passage has not been edited. I had gone to Delhi yesterday. Ribblu admin has the power to reject, remove, alter, approve, accept any material that is uploaded by the user without consent of owner. (ii) It is also used to express an unfulfilled wish in the past; as— (i) 4. Examples : (present continuous to describe Jane’s action right now). 6. returns. You may use a word or phrase more than once. Answer: (This sentence means—I did not ever tell a lie). The Present Continuous Tense is used with the words—at this time, at present, at the moment, now, nowadays, still etc. 4. 5. died (a) The Past Perfect Continuous Tense expresses an action that had been going on for some time in the past. They ………………………….. (enjoy) a trip to the zoo in Giza. Answer: Look at those dark clouds. They ……………………………. Anushka has went to Kolkata for the holidays. Both the local football teams have made it to the finals. Some irregular verbs change their spelling to – ought or – ught. Note that listen and look can be used in the present continuous tense if they refer to actions. I am seeing a picture. First they (b) _______ (iv) An order or request. Question 6. (lead) 2. (make) is used before the subject] Kina threw a stone and breaked the window. I have just received the letter. I have a sore throat. Ritu: Is she? Then the subject comes, followed by the main verb in its – ing form. He ………………………….. (stay) with his cousins. Examination last year. Your email address will not be published. Leslie knows that gentleman. I. ✓ Ritu: Oh! c) recognize, a) is missing They ………………………….. (see) African and Asian elephants, hippopotamuses, giraffes and several species of monkeys there. (bathe) (negative) (do not live now) There ………… (go) the bell! 3. bought (say) Read the following sentences carefully : In the first sentence the Verb ‘fly* refers to the action in Present time, in the second sentence the Verb ‘flew’ refers to the action in the Past, while the Verb in the third sentence ‘shall fly’ refers to the action in Future. Your dance classes take place on the weekends. 3. have been waiting In order to use this tense we use had been with Present Participle (ing) form of the verb. for something that is happening before and after a given time. When Sarla calls on me, I ……….. my clothes. Answer: Yes, they will win the game. He ………… on me whenever he wants. for things that are generally true (universal truths). The Future Continuous Tense 3. grow 2-Is the sentence correct or incorrect, tick the correct one. Answer: [Will/shall + be + Verb + ing), The Future Continuous Tense is used to express an event that is expected to take place in the normal course or at some time in the future ; as— It describes an action that is scheduled to take place in the near future.


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